Website For Pink Sheet Stock With Purported Tie To AdViewGlobal Autosurf Suddenly Goes Offline

UPDATED 9:17 A.M. EDT (U.S.A.) The website for Vana Blue Inc., the purported parent company of Karveck International, has gone offline and now is resolving to a parked page that beams advertisements.

Vana Blue is a penny stock that trades under the symbol VBLU. No shares have traded hands since July 23, according to Yahoo Finance.

Why the site now resolves to GoDaddy is unclear. A series of news releases from Vana Blue in the past year and a half placed the company in diverse fields from oil and gas in Utah to Caribbean VOIP telephone service and international “internet advertising and promotion in a search engine and ad clicking type environment.”

Among other things, VanaBlue said it had acquired TMS Corp., an Arizona-registered business also known as TMS Association. TMS Association was the purported parent company of eWalletPlus, a payment processor associated with the AdViewGlobal (AVG) autosurf.

The website for eWalletPlus also now resolves to a page filled with ads. EWalletPlus appears to be for sale on Meanwhile, the website for AdSurfDaily Breaking News also is resolving to a page filled with ads.

ASD and AVG have close family, membership and promotional ties. ASD’s assets were seized in a federal forfeiture complaint last year, and a racketeering lawsuit against ASD President Andy Bowdoin later was filed by members of ASD.

Bowdoin has not responded to the racketeering lawsuit. AVG’s name was mentioned in RICO lawsuit filings that pointed out common ties between the surf firms, but AVG has not been named a defendant.

Last year, ASD announced that it expected a revenue infusion of $200 million from Praebius Communications, another Pinksheet stock. ASD made the announcement while it was awaiting a court ruling on issues pertaining to revenue streams in a Ponzi scheme case.

ASD’s Breaking News site pulled the Praebius announcement after doubting members said they intended to contact Praebius to confirm ASD’s story about the $200 million revenue infusion.

Vana Blue used an address of 4757 E. Greenway Rd Suite 107B-105 in a news release. It is an address that resolves to a PostNet outlet in Phoenix, the home state of TMS Association. PostNet describes itself as a “Mailbox Rental, Fax, Passport Photos, Copies, Notary, UPS, DHL, FedEx, USPS” service.

At a minimum, the information suggests AVG had strong ties in Arizona, particularly in the Phoenix area.

In February, Vana Blue announced that Karveck International posted $1.8 million in revenue in January. That’s when AVG was in prelaunch. Vana Blue did not name AVG in the news release.

AVG was said to have registered in Uruguay as Karveck International, although that information has not been independently confirmed.

Vana Blue’s name has been associated with Donald Rex Gay. Federal records show that Donald Rex Gay was sued by the U.S. government in a tax case that claimed unpaid taxes in the amount of $252,717.12.

Gay said in pro se court filings that he did not owe the taxes and had no means to pay them.

In June, AVG announced it was suspending member cashouts, making an 80/20 program mandatory if and when payouts resume and exercising its version of a “rebates aren’t guaranteed” clause that permits it to keep all money sent in by members.

See this story.

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10 Responses to “Website For Pink Sheet Stock With Purported Tie To AdViewGlobal Autosurf Suddenly Goes Offline”

  1. Paragraph 8 should read, Last year, ASD announced that it expected a revenue infusion…

    It is amazing how all of the “legal and legit” companies are just falling be the road side ditch.
    What is more amazing is that there are still die hard cheerleaders blaming everything on the corruption of the government and how they want the money.
    On one hand they blame the government and on the other hand all they want, and expect to receive their money back in full and they want it yesterday.

  2. Hi Cathy G.,

    Cathy G.: Paragraph 8 should read, Last year, ASD announced that it expected a revenue infusion…

    Fixed. Thank you.


  3. AVG was said to have registered in Uruguay as Karveck International, although that information has not been independently confirmed.

    I don’t know if this confirms or not, or maybe it will help. I found this document (in Spanish)
    On page 22 it says:

    Mediante escritura otorgada ante esta notaría a las 13:00 horas del 17
    de marzo del 2009, se modifica la cláusula primera del pacto constitutivo
    de la razón social, se le cambia el nombre a Karveck International S.
    A. , de la sociedad 3-101467791 , cédula jurídica número 3-101467791.—
    Guanacaste, 17 de marzo del 2009.—Lic. Juan Antonio Casafont Álvarez,
    Notario.—1 vez.—Nº 96988.—(26330)

    Google translate says:

    By writing given before the notary at 13:00 am on 17
    March, 2009, modifying the first clause of the agreement establishing
    the name, it changes name to International Karveck S.
    A. , Society 3-101467791, 3-101467791 number legal writ .-
    Guanacaste, March 17 the 2009.-Lic. Casafont Juan Antonio Alvarez
    Notario.-1-vez. No. 96988 .- (26330)

  4. Patrick,

    You are serial dream killer of the worst kind. Every time you write a story, it seems one or more sites go down….destroying people’s dreams. I hope you are happy.


  5. Tony,

    What you have provided is notification of the notarized registration of a name change to Karveck International SA (Inc) from??? in Costa Rica

  6. Costa Rica was Bowdoin territory – remember La Fuente de Dinero?

  7. dirty_bird: Patrick,
    You are serial dream killer of the worst kind.Every time you write a story, it seems one or more sites go down….destroying people’s dreams.I hope you are happy.dB

    If you honestly believe that, and think this little blog where all 5 or 6 of you post has any effect on anything then you are an idiot. What a hero worshipper, if you’re going to worship then you should be down on your knees in front of him.

  8. There are a lot more people reading here than you think. Important people, everyday people and lurkers. Everyday.

  9. Speaking with the Compliance Officer of a well known off shore banking group recently, I was impressed to learn that they do in fact follow the internet closely, especially the areas concerning financial fraud or potential frauds.

    Ergo, those that “google” well serve a very useful purpose in keeping these schemes in check.

  10. Losers, winners, nervous promoters, insiders and seekers of the truth, without spin.