FOR ZEEKERS: Receiver Shows Judge Preliminary Mock-Up Of Online Claims Form; Kenneth D. Bell Says He’ll Seek Court Approval For Claims Process By End Of First Quarter
Kenneth D. Bell, the court-appointed receiver in the Zeek Rewards Ponzi-scheme case, has proposed a process by which claims would be filed online. Filers would proceed through a series of screens to enter information and would be permitted to upload information to substantiate their claims.
The proposed filing process — still in preliminary form — would require affiliates to submit separate claims for each Zeek Rewards username. Bell has said that an untold number of Zeek affiliates had multiple usernames.
Bell advised Senior U.S. District Judge Graham C. Mullen of the Western District of North Carolina that he “anticipates filing a motion seeking approval of the claims submission process . . . by the conclusion of the first quarter of 2013.”
View preliminary mock-up.
Read story by Jordan Maglich.
Visit the ASDUpdates Blog.
Visit the site of the Zeek receiver.
I was also a victim of Zeek and was wondering if I need to apply for a settlement or they already have my name and information and will notify me?
Hello Jerry,
Receiver’s site is here:
Make sure you study the information available by clicking on the tabs at the top of the page:
Case Documents|Frequently Asked Questions|Subpoena FAQ|Contact Us
Ponzi victims typically must file claims through a process established by the receiver and approved by the court. It likely is best to start gathering the info you have to substantiate your claim right now. The timing and mechanics of how things will proceed is still a bit unclear, but that is apt to change in the coming days and weeks.
The PP Blog will post information on the claims process as it receives it.
Thanks for the information Patrick. I’ll get right one it.
You’re welcome, Jerry.