
PP Blog Tag archives on references to "JustBeenPaidNew.com."

Now, Another ‘Program’ Uses Name Of JustBeenPaid: ‘JustBeenPaidNew’ Says It Features ‘Attractive 2.5% Daily Plans’ With Payments Through Payza

Now, Another 'Program' Uses Name Of JustBeenPaid: 'JustBeenPaidNew' Says It Features 'Attractive 2.5% Daily Plans' With Payments Through Payza

Yet another “program” appears to be trading off the name of JSS Tripler/JustBeenPaid. The new “program” is known as “JustBeenPaidNew.” It uses a domain registered Sept. 9 behind a proxy and, in butchered English, makes claims such as this: “We have some Good Professional Fund Managers, and thay [sic] invests [sic] in the global currency […]