Matthew Dale Proudfoot

PP Blog Tag archives on references to "Matthew Dale Proudfoot."

BULLETIN: Now, A ‘Royalty Units’ Scam Pushed By Recidivist Senior Citizen And His Children And Involving Purported $11 Billion Gold Mine At 2 Ohio Gravel Pits, SEC Charges; ‘Flat Out Lies,’ Agency Says Of Claims Surrounding 3 Eagles Research & Development LLC

BULLETIN: Now, A 'Royalty Units' Scam Pushed By Recidivist Senior Citizen And His Children And Involving Purported $11 Billion Gold Mine At 2 Ohio Gravel Pits, SEC Charges; 'Flat Out Lies,' Agency Says Of Claims Surrounding 3 Eagles Research & Development LLC

BULLETIN: The SEC has gone to federal court in Portland, Ore., alleging that a company led by a recidivist huckster and operating in the state sold investors into a “royalty units” scam involving a purported $11 billion gold mine in Ohio and the promise of “whopping returns.” Charged in the alleged caper were Harry Dean […]