More Motions To Intervene Appear On Court Docket
Two more pro se motions to intervene in the AdSurfDaily federal forfeiture case have appeared on the docket of U.S. District Judge Rosemary Collyer.
The motions appear to use the same litigation blueprint used by 10 previous pro se filers. Collyer denied all 10 motions yesterday for lack of standing, issuing a two-paragraph ruling.
Today’s docketed filers include G. Stan Ketchum, who says the U.S. government owes him $5,700, and Lucia M. Ruggeroni, who makes a claim for $500. It is unclear if other motions remain to be docketed or if others are in the mail.
What is clear is that today’s motions use the same arguments Collyer has repeatedly rejected.
The more signed confessions the court receives the better, provided it doesn’t slow down the progress of the case moving forward.
There will be even more filing, as they work their magic to delay things as much as possible. Judge Collyer will so not allow them to be filed, as her patience is getting pretty thin, one would imagine.
I hope these people are ready what happens next.
Her honor is going to squash these very quickly. I am sure that she wants this to get over with as much as many of us do. This ploy by Andy and his Attorney to try and delay the outcome by as much as they can is going to backfire big time.
Thanks to Patrick for keeping us informed with the truth unlike Andy’s investigative reporter.
I have to think these latest motions were in transit, even these people aren’t that stupid. Unfortunately, anyone is of course free to file whatever motions they want, and not much can be done to stop it, unless the Judge charges someone with contempt which is shakey legally and a pretty drastic step. I’d have to check the DC Circuit rules, and the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, but it’s possible she could also order the clerk to disallow filings from parties not named in the case caption without her approval. Again, that’s a possibility but would be a long shot.
In my own dreamworld she’d allow one of them to be heard in open court, and then have the home made legal eagle dragged off to the DC Jail for contempt. But that’s not going to happen, and the old DC jail is gone now I think. (Read G Gordon Liddy’s description of that fine penal institution in his book, “Will”)
Hi Gregg;
On I read about penalties for frivolous filings by tax deniers. Should that concept not apply equally in this court?
If you read Quatloos, you know that tax deniers are a special kind of stupid. I have a theory that a lot of HYIP pimps and players are tax deniers, too.
Understood. Karl Dahlstrom/ProAdvocate’s involvement with setting up AVG’s “association” is a major piece of evidence in that regard, considering his convictions for both tax evasion and the marketing of “pure trusts”.
I have a family member who is currently serving a 210 month sentence at the federal correctional center in Fort Dix, NJ, as a result of both using and marketing such trusts. That’s what led me to I wanted to try to understand how someone could possibly get involved in such an obvious scam. It looks cult-like to me at this point – irrational, illogical, paranoid, etc.
You might want to start with the 16th Amendment.
When I was youngin’, relatively speaking, I was approached by people purporting that filing income tax was “voluntary”. I was shown documents to that effect which sounded cool, especially if I had overlooked such an easy way to feather my nest.
Researching on my own, I found that “voluntary” was as voluntary as signing up for Selective Service aka “the draft”.
Here’s some of the rhetoric you will find on the net.
So the “voluntary” nature of income tax is euphemistic at the very least but the consequences of “not volunteering” are very real but it gives the tax protesters a lever. The more militant followers of the movement are often associated with ultra right wing movements such as the Posse Comitatus who refuse to pay taxes and obtain drivers licenses.
The Posse Comitatus was in turn associated, however loosely, with Richard Butler’s Aryan Nations and Robert Mathews’, The Order, and other similarly minded groups.
Knock yourself out on the research.
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I’ve spent countless hours in researching this topic. From the initial arrest to the sentencing took about five years, so I have observed the connections you make between the various elements described above. In fact, I learned somewhere along the line that Timothy McVeigh of Oklahoma bombing fame had connections to the Tax Denier subculture.
Bottom line: It appears to me that those claiming the “evil g’ment took the money” are cut from the same cloth as the tax deniers, the NESARA believers, et al. This also includes the ones doing these frivolous filings in which they hand over signed confessions regarding their complicity in the ASD criminal enterprise.
McVeigh was stopped by an Oklahoma State Trooper specifically because his car had no license plates.and was in jail when he was identified as a suspect.