Book By Lynn Edgington, Chairman Of Eagle Research Associates Inc. And Regular Contributor To PP Blog, Now Available On; ‘Robbing You With A Keyboard Instead Of A Gun: Cyber Crime — How They Do It’

DISCLOSURE: The PP Blog is referenced in Lynn Edgington’s new book and provided a comment about the good works undertaken by Eagle Research Associates Inc., a Public Benefit Nonprofit Corporation registered in California. Eagle, which researches Internet investment scams, was formed Aug. 3, 2007. It is an approved 501(c)3 Corporation.

The PP Blog was not compensated for the comment it provided Eagle and, at various times, has given Eagle permission to reproduce articles that have appeared on the PP Blog. The Blog did not charge Eagle a fee. Lynn Edgington is a regular contributor to the PP Blog and is not compensated for his contributions. The PP Blog is not being compensated for providing the link to Lynn’s book (below photograph). The book is titled, “Robbing You With A Keyboard Instead Of A Gun: Cyber Crime – How They Do It.”

Get more info on Lynn’s book at

About the Author

5 Responses to “Book By Lynn Edgington, Chairman Of Eagle Research Associates Inc. And Regular Contributor To PP Blog, Now Available On; ‘Robbing You With A Keyboard Instead Of A Gun: Cyber Crime — How They Do It’”

  1. Patrick, I bought a copy, it’s really that good !!!!! !

  2. I have a copy coming. It will be fun reading.

  3. Congrats on getting the book published! I’ve ordered a copy and look forward to reading it. It will definitely be on the coffee table on Turkey Day so people can browse and learn.

  4. Hi, Patrick;

    I believe Lynn’s book is a significant tool in the ongoing war against the mercenaries who prey on the needy and un-knowledgeable in our society – as well as appealing to the lowest of motivations among those with some accumulation of wealth – that being greed.

    Here’s a message I sent about it to my family, as well as to an email list at my church. Others may want to consider doing something similar.

    “The founder of a non-profit scambusting organization with which
    I’ve volunteered for a couple of years has a book that’s just come
    out. Here’s a link to it on [See the link at the bottom of your article above].

    The author happens to be a Christian – and a member of Sadddle-
    back church in California – and has conducted workshops on this
    subject at that church and elsewhere.

    I assure you that the issues discussed in the book are important
    – and pervasive. Billions of dollars are lost to scumbags who prey
    on some of the weakest in our society, including the elderly, disabled and others at weak points in their lives, as well as targeting those with some wealth. Seniors are a favorite target.

    This book is a low-cost primer on how they do it, including one of the most insidious – what’s called “affinity fraud”, where they use the trust of people in churches, ethnic groups, etc., to create credibility.

    In particular, the number and scope of church-related schemes and
    schemers astounded me after I began volunteering with the organization, which is why I’m sending this message.

    The book also outlines how to avoid being sucked into these scams.
    I highly recommend it. And I suggest you introduce others as well. I know from personal experience that some very smart, knowledgeable people have been victims, and this book could have prevented their getting robbed via their computers.

    The scambusting organization is Eagle Research Associates and its
    website is”

  5. […] Edgington is the author of “Robbing You With A Keyboard Instead Of A Gun: Cyber Crime – How They Do It.” […]