THE BIG CHILL: PP Blog Gets ‘Dear Rat Bastard’ Email With Repeated ‘Doomsday’ References; Blog Considers Note A Threat And Will Share It With Law-Enforcement Agencies

EDITOR’S NOTE: This post quotes content from an email received early this evening by the PP Blog. Some readers may find the language objectionable.

UPDATED 11:16A.M. ET (U.S.A., Nov. 22) In what it views as part of a continuing pattern of harassment and a bid to chill its reporting on online fraud schemes and Internet crime, the PP Blog apparently was fraudulently registered as a new member of an online “opportunity” and has received an email that apparently “confirms” the registration. The email, which was received at 6:01 p.m. (ET) today, was sent to the Blog’s support address — specifically to the attention of “RatBastard Fucktard.”

“Dear Rat Bastard,” the “registration” email began.

It is possible that the email originated off a server in Michigan that is associated with a cash-gifting program.

The person who used the Blog’s address fraudulently appears to have caused a fraudulent “affiliate” site for the “opportunity” to be created with the Blog’s address, while causing the word “Doomsday” to appear in the body of the “registration” email to further hector the Blog.

In late October and early November, the PP Blog was subjected to sustained DDoS attacks. The Blog shared specific details of the attacks with law enforcement.  At 8:29 p.m. today, the Blog forwarded the “header” information from the “registration” email to law enforcement.

After the “Dear Rat Bastard” greeting, the “registration” email continued:

“Everyone in our community welcomes you as a valuable and productive member. You will now be able to share the message and mission of ‘Winners 2011’ which is spreading like a wildfire across the globe. We are grateful of your decision and assure you that the entire community will support you at all times as well as those you help by inviting them to also become members of ‘Winners 2011’.”

The PP Blog made no decision to register for a program known as Winners 2011 and has no knowledge about a program by that name, except for cursory knowledge it gained this evening after being registered fraudulently for the program. Moreover, the Blog never agreed to receive email from Winners 2011 or subscribe to a list controlled by the program. The “registration” email received by the Blog this evening did not include an unsubscribe link.

The Blog’s address appears to have been entered into a form by a criminal who made a calculation that the “Rat Bastard” and “Doomsday” references would chill the Blog’s reporting while at once creating maintenance chores for the Blog.

“WE urge you to login to your back office and become very familiar with all the information it offers so you will be able to speak to potential new members intelligently and knowledgably,” the  “registration” email continued. “Stay in close contact with your inviter and their inviter as well as teach your people to do the same, this is a team effort.

“Remember: Winners have simply formed the habit of doing things losers don’t like to do,” the email concluded.

The Winners 2011 program may be associated with a gifting program known as 14Eagles, which is being pitched from websites, social-media sites and forums.

Today’s false registration of the PP Blog as a member of Winners 2011 follows a pattern of strange events that have occurred on Sundays. Read earlier story based on events that occurred on Sunday, Oct. 3.

About the Author

17 Responses to “THE BIG CHILL: PP Blog Gets ‘Dear Rat Bastard’ Email With Repeated ‘Doomsday’ References; Blog Considers Note A Threat And Will Share It With Law-Enforcement Agencies”

  1. Amazing. A lot of asd members are very scared in Michigan, I know. Seems it happened after the pp blog posted the Doj link

  2. Since when do these folks recruit people by calling them a “Fucktard”? Is this a new term for one who does MLM? And isn’t “Rat Bastard” a term of affection in New Jersey? Nice to know people still care for your well being by offering you such a prodigious opportunity.

    Do I take this article as an indication you are not going to verify the registration??? (?)

  3. Do I take this article as an indication you are not going to verify the registration???

    Hi Don,

    There is no way to “verify” the registration. I would not have “verified” it even if there had been a way.

    It appears as though someone entered the Blog’s email address into a form for the program — and that the “program” processed the form, created a “personalized self-replicating Website” for the Blog and sent an email welcoming the Blog to the program and encouraging it to listen to the unnamed “inviter” and start spreading the word about the program.

    It looks as though things worked this way:

    1.) Someone decided to enroll “Rat Bastard” into the program by using the Blog’s email address and creating bogus credentials.
    2.) The program accepted the registration and created an affiliate site without sending out an email to verify the registration.
    3.) The program instead sent a “Welcome” message to the attention of “Rat Bastard” at the Blog’s email address.
    4.) The “Welcome” email has no unsubscribe link, meaning the Blog’s email address has been “captured” by a program that does not send out an email to verify the registration.

    If this is how it happened, it means that any email address can be entered into the form and that the program automatically creates an affiliate site for the address and does not verify with the owner of the address that he or she actually enrolled.

    Presto! People who never enrolled suddenly find that their email address is in the possession of a cash-gifting company.


  4. Winners 2011, the latest gifting scheme from Randy Matthews of “523 east parker road | nacogdoches | TX | 75965” according to the 14Eagles newsletters he used to send to one of my email addresses who he thought was named “Mammon Hellbound.”

    Interestingly, Gregory Perdriel – a long-time cash gifting nut from Far Rockaway, New York – had an ad out recently claiming that Stella of SolidTrustPay was involved with the conference calls for this gifting program. If so, it’s the second one recently I’ve seen her apparently personally involved in.

    And yes, a great many of these fly by night gifting programs use automated signups, even going so far as to consider them a “feature.”

  5. Patrick, I get a lot of emails on the address I used for ASD, looks like they sold the members databases many tomes over. I’m glad my email client has a good filter on it. But still, it’s bad enough to take my money, but did you have to sell my information too??

    Et tu, Andy??

  6. In case anyone is interested, here’s Gregory’s ad I referred to above as reference (evidence?):

    email this posting to a friend new york craigslist > manhattan > services offered > small biz ads
    please flag with care: [?]

    best of craigslist
    ?__11/21/2010…. $10,000 by Black Friday is not an exaggeration!__? (NYC & beyond)
    Date: 2010-11-21, 6:00AM EST
    Reply to: [Errors when replying to ads?]

    Its Sunday, November 21st … a couple hours after launch and Im already a few hundred in gifts up! Im getting my pie…. how about you?

    You’re getting this email because you are a leader and/or we have had gifting connection in the past.







    Ive come to realize that this is the only way to be successful….getting in with the people at the top…the owners & their associates…milking one program and launching a new one down the line when it dies. (example GGC)

    Ive been able to make connects through other lil programs ive been doing… and long story short, this other entrepreneur i got cool with this circle of millionaires that run all these bullshit gifting and “2×2″ & 4×4” sharing programs… even Coscu from GGC was on the conference call. we all know he banked at least 6 figures from GGC.

    How would you like to get over $10,000 by Black Friday!

    before going to my own site, for full info, visit:

    The sign up is:

    1st – Did you open your Free Solid Trust pay acct yet ?

    If you have not Click on this link below and take 3 minutes to open the free acct up.

    Winners Team 2011 This JUST Launched Saturday at 6pm 11-20-10

    Don’t miss that early wave folks !!!!

    The 1st to gift are the ones that are 1st to get gifted…… You are on the receiving end of things from the second you send your gift…. And believe me, those gifts arnt far behind.

    Don’t Delay set up Solid Trust Pay Today
    Click here:

    JOIN US at 2:00, 6:00 and 10 pm EST

    712 . 432 . 0075 Code 971095#

    and get into the Holiday Gifting Spirit! why should I look at this? LONGEVITY / IF YOUR GETTING THIS EMAIL YOU WILL BE AT THE VERY TOP OF THIS GIFTING COMMUNITY.

    1. Proven software had 50,000 ran through it last month, it works on Launch day. ( No more of this: have you got a link yet? 30 more minutes.) You will be able to see everything that is going on, as we are instantly and completely transparent. Updates are live!

    2. The launch day and time makes sense 10 AM EST on Saturday Nov 20th. (no midnight launch during the week)

    3. All gifts are sent and confirmed through Solid Trust Pay. NO CONFIRM BUTTON, ITS AUTOMATIC (so now your mom will have to send you a gift because you can’t confirm her, it happens when she sends it through the back office out of her Solid trust pay account into yours) This is HUGE, no more letting someone come in for free because you can’t confirm them. No more your not my friend because you will not confirm me before you get your gift. You don’t have any control over it now we took that stress off your shoulders. Why? Because your joining a gifting community and this way once you join you will have gifts to send at every level because not only will you send but you will receive more than 10 times what you send when you fill your levels.

    4. We are truly International because anyone with a solid trust pay account can participate. ( You don’t need to call, email or talk to anyone just send your gift )

    5. No frozen levels because if you don’t gift within 18 hours your taken down. When you get the funds to gift or decide to gift you can be reinstated by contact customer support and sending your gifts.

    6. No splitting boards, trying to get to the top to be in a receiving position. With the Winners you come into a receiving position where you will be receiving 14 gifts. Everyone on your level will be gifting you.


    How it works: 4 levels gifting out 3 gifts and receiving 14 on each level. Automatic re-entry on every level and advancement on every level.

    Level 1—-30.00 —–gifting 90.00 receiving 420.00

    Level 2—100.00—–gifting 300.00 receiving 1400.00

    Level 3—300.00—–gifting 900.00 receiving 4200.00

    Level 4—600.00—–gifting 1800.00 receiving 8400.00


    * Location: NYC & beyond
    * it’s NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests

    PostingID: 2072082885

    * Copyright © 2010 craigslist, inc.
    * terms of use
    * privacy policy
    * feedback forum

  7. Patrick, I get a lot of emails on the address I used for ASD, looks like they sold the members databases many tomes over. I’m glad my email client has a good filter on it. But still, it’s bad enough to take my money, but did you have to sell my information too?? Et tu, Andy??  (Quote)

    Yes I do Too.

  8. The domains and are registered behind proxies as you would expect for an illegal scheme. However, there is a domain which is registered to a “Mel Siebert”. This name seems to be connected to various MLM schemes.

  9. 14Eagles is one of Ken Russo’s cash gifting schemes. I think he is presently promoting four of them. Guess he wants to spread his good fortune to so many others by giving them gifts. Funny how he won’t make a gift to Eagle Research Associates. LOL!

  10. With friends like “Gregory”, Stella of Solid Trust Pay doesn’t need enemies. lol


    Ive come to realize that this is the only way to be successful….getting in with the people at the top…the owners & their associates…milking one program and launching a new one down the line when it dies. (example GGC)

  11. On the other hand, “she’s” in Canada so she doesn’t have to worry about regulators…unless the Americans decide they want “her”. They seem to wake up at that point for some reason.

    With friends like “Gregory”, Stella of Solid Trust Pay doesn’t need enemies. lol

  12. It’s not like being in Canada will protect her, dirty_bird. After all, The Competition Act is a Canadian law calling for fines of up to $200,000 for promoting or participating in a gifting scheme. On the first offence.

    And if you review some of Patrick’s older essays, there are comments and discussions showing Stella to have a pattern of such flagrant thumbing of her nose at the laws of just about every country, serving as a knowing payment processor for crime.

    By the way, anyone know who “Meek of So. Korea” is in relation to Stella? Meek is also involved with Winners2011. The first name that came to my mind when I saw that was Meekyung Kim, but I thought she was in the US, not in Asia.

  13. With all due respect, Professor. I speak from experience. You can send all the information you want to the Canadian authorities and they will just keep asking you for more information. Nothing ever happens except the original investigator eventually retires or gets reassigned and the new one asks for more information.

    I’ll believe the Canadians are serious about enforcing their laws when Warren English goes down. He’s got 3 C&Ds already in Canada and he’s still at it. He has been for years.

    It’s not like being in Canada will protect her, dirty_bird. After all, The Competition Act is a Canadian law calling for fines of up to $200,000 for promoting or participating in a gifting scheme. On the first offence.

  14. With all due respect, Professor. I speak from experience. You can send all the information you want to the Canadian authorities and they will just keep asking you for more information.

    Then there’s the story about the Canadian fraud investigator who was charged with animal cruelty by the SPCA after he was seen assaulting a tortoise.

    Asked by the judge for an explanation, the investigator said the tortoise had been annoying him all day by weaving in and out of the investigators’ legs while he was walking around the office.

    STP has operated with apparent impunity for years and it is no accident that SolidTrustPay is based in Canada.

  15. It’s not like being in Canada will protect her, dirty_bird. After all, The Competition Act is a Canadian law calling for fines of up to $200,000 for promoting or participating in a gifting scheme. On the first offence.

    Anyone who wonders why it is that Canadian based fraudsters seem to be appearing in increasing numbers need only to read the following news report:

  16. Also:

    eGold, eBullion, StormPay – All U.S. based. Each of them got a visit from the authorities. None of the them are favored by Ponzis any more, if they are still in business.

    AlertPay, StrictPay, EasyPay, CashX, Solid Trust Pay – All based in Canada. All unmolested to this point. I hope that changes but I bet it will take some U.S. interest before any of them drastically alter their business practices or collapse.

  17. […] the PP Blog in October and November — and a subsequent email it received that referenced “Doomsday” — the Blog has legitimate security […]