BULLETIN: Victims Of ‘3 Hebrew Boys’ Forex Ponzi Swindle That Devolved Into ‘Sovereign Citizen’ Sideshow Will Get Back 46 Cents On The Dollar

Court-appointed receiver Beattie B. Ashmore sold this party bus and other property from the "3 Hebrew Boys" Ponzi scheme to raise money for victims.
UPDATED 12:52 P.M. EDT (U.S.A., MAY 18): In an unusually large recovery by a court-appointed receiver, victims of the “3 Hebrew Boys” Forex Ponzi scheme and fraud caper in South Carolina will receive back about 46 cents on the dollar, according to filings in federal court.
The Post and Courier of Charleston is reporting this afternoon that it has confirmed the recovery figure with the office of U.S. Attorney Bill Nettles.
On April 25, according to the website of receiver Beattie B. Ashmore, the receiver filed a distribution plan showing that 3,842 court-approved claimants had been identified. The document also cites the figure of 46 cents. Ashmore has sold real estate, cars, a party bus and other property linked to the caper, which gathered $82 million and also acquired a Gulfstream jet.
Tony Pough, Joseph Brunson and Timothy McQueen — the “3 Hebrew Boys” — are serving combined prison terms of 84 years. The sentences handed down by U.S. District Judge Margaret B. Seymour were the longest Ponzi sentences ever handed down in South Carolina.
In 2009, Brunson declared himself “sovereign” and accused then-U.S. Attorney Walt Wilkens of treason, saying Wilkens had no authority over him.
“Sovereign citizens” have an irrational belief that laws to not apply to them. It is somewhat common for purported “sovereigns” to become involved in financial-fraud schemes.
The “3 Hebrew Boys” scam positioned itself as a debt-relief ministry. The “3 Hebrew Boys” name is taken from a biblical tale of believers who escaped a furnace by relying on their faith. The caper also presented a form of affinity fraud.
Millenniums of Darwinism have yet to spare us some priceless examples of our species as evidenced by a reader of The Post and Courier in Charleston identifying themselves as Christine Berdeguez and responding to the facts of the case as similarly outlined above:
“The receiver beattie ashmore has stolen from these guys, other investors and lied more than the rug that we walk on. But he will never steal enough money to buy his way out of hell. These young men has done more for the people than former president bush and a lot of the political figures of this so called “Land of the free”. seymour has aslo lied and she will be dealth with if she do not repent unto God. She is just a puppet being pulled with strings and dance to the music of the pipers. The young men still have the money, why are they being sentenced. This unjust judicial system is only designed to keep the majority of the minorities down, but I thank God that He will do the final judging. ashmore, seymour and all those so called greed attorneys are the ones that need to be sentenced for their greed, lying tongues, theft, and prejudice living. We the people of the u.s. pray that God will release them from the hands of the enemies, so that they can be with their families and friends”
My personal plans (based on the education acquired above) are to no longer believe a thing that my carpets have been telling me, to make the price of a ticket out of hell my main financial goal (for insurance purposes), to somehow understand that my government’s purpose is to jail people who have more to contribute to society than former Presidents, and that egregious, sociopathic con artists deserve freedom and the companionship of their families and friends.
I’m really sorry, but I’m just a dumb colonial and I’m not fluent in “gibberish”
Could someone translate for me, please ?
“I’m a dumbass who wants to profit more from people who are stealing from others, so let the thieves out of jail to help scam some more!”, or something near that, I think.
Ms.FrankHall just went on a spamming binge over the 3 Hebrew Boys Ponzi case. This time the claims not only were indecipherable, but extremely so.
You had your shot. Ms.FrankHall. It’s over now.