Extraordinary Drama Unfolds In California; Manhunt Under Way For Ex-Cop Who Allegedly Authored ‘Manifesto’ Promising ‘Unconventional And Asymmetrical Warfare’ Against Law Enforcement; Suspect Allegedly Tied To Double Homicide And Ambush Shootings Of Police Officers

christopherdornerAn extraordinary drama is unfolding in Southern California involving a former Los Angeles police officer identified as Christopher Dorner. The photo of Dorner (left) was supplied by the Irvine Police Department, which identified Dorner as the suspect in the Sunday shooting deaths of Keith Lawrence and Monica Quan, a college-basketball coach.

Dorner is 33.

“Irvine Police are seeking the public’s help in finding Dorner,” the department said. “If you see him, please call 9-1-1 immediately. If you have information about his whereabouts, we ask you to immediately call our tip line at 949-724-7192.”

He is believed to be driving a “Gray Nissan Titan with a roof rack, bed cover and aftermarket wheels, (possibly black/chrome),” the department said. “Vehicle plates have been changed, the new plate is 8D83987 or similar.”

The fear is that Dorner literally is hunting down specific members of law enforcement or members of their families to shoot and kill. He has a military background and allegedly authored a manifesto in which he threatened “unconventional and asymmetrical warfare” against police.

Monica Quan’s father is former LAPD Capt. Randy Quan, the LA Times is reporting.

From the LA Times (italics added):

. . . the search intensified after three police officers were shot in Riverside County Thursday and Dorner was identified as a possible suspect.

The first police shooting occurred about 1:30 a.m. Thursday in Corona, where two LAPD officers were providing protection for someone mentioned in Dorner’s manifesto, officials said. One officer suffered a graze wound to the head during a shootout and Dorner fled the scene, police said.

A short time later, two Riverside officers were shot at the corner of Magnolia Avenue and Arlington Avenue in Riverside. Riverside police Lt. Guy Toussaint said the officers were sitting at a red light when they were ambushed. One was killed, the other was still in surgery Thursday morning.

News sources:

Los Angeles Times.




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4 Responses to “Extraordinary Drama Unfolds In California; Manhunt Under Way For Ex-Cop Who Allegedly Authored ‘Manifesto’ Promising ‘Unconventional And Asymmetrical Warfare’ Against Law Enforcement; Suspect Allegedly Tied To Double Homicide And Ambush Shootings Of Police Officers”

  1. This wantonly destructive saga appears to have ended in Dorner’s death, bringing the death toll to five, including a police officer, a sheriff’s deputy, the daughter of a longtime police officer and her fiance.

    Some civilian innocents also were shot by police.


  2. Test.

  3. […] conviction in a 2013 trial in which federal prosecutors said he was channeling deceased cop-killer Christopher Dorner in the courtroom, the judge ordered the forfeiture of items seized from Leaming during an FBI probe […]