Ontario Securities Commission Issues Warning On ‘Rockwell Partners,’ A Ponzi-Board ‘Program’

rockwellpartnersRockwell Partners SA, an HYIP “program” that has a 218-page thread at the MoneyMakerGroup Ponzi forum, now is the subject of a warning from the Ontario Securities Commission.

A Facebook site that claims an association with Rockwell Partners asserted in March 2014 that “[w]e would like to remind you that Rockwell Partners is not just another fly-by-night HYIP but a stable and safe place to invest your funds!”

Rockwell Partners purportedly was based in Costa Rica.

The first post in a MoneyMakerGroup thread in which Rockwell Partners was pushed in March 2014 claims a daily payout of between 1 percent and 3.5 percent. By June 2014, reports surfaced that the “program” was on the rocks. The website no longer resolves to a server.

Current schemes being promoted at MoneyMakerGroup include Achieve Community, which claims $50 turns into $400.

Any number of Achieve Community promoters now are pushing other Ponzi-board schemes.

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