Roster: Are These Autosurfs In Litigation? Troubled?

Back in August we began to cover AdSurfDaily Inc., a Florida company accused of being an illegal enterprise. Federal prosecutors said ASD, an autosurf, was selling unregistered securities by calling itself an “advertising” company and running a $100 million Ponzi scheme. A sister site, LaFuenteDinero, was named in the same federal forfeiture complaint. So was […]
AdViewGlobal, AdGateWorld Brands Leveraged To Sell Cash-Gifting, Other Programs; Pitches Also Use Tony Robbins’ Name
It’s hard to imagine that motivational speaker Anthony Robbins would be pleased to learn his carefully cultivated brand name is being leveraged to sell highly questionable online-income opportunities such as cash-gifting programs. Robbins, however, has company — and it’s the sort of company that adds an extra layer of dubiousness to the drip-drop dilution of […]
Ad View Global, New ‘Advertising’ Program, Debuts
This morning we read an early pitch for Ad View Global (AVGlobal), a new “advertising” company that is coming online in the wake of the $100 million government seizure of assets tied to AdSurfDaily Inc. AVGlobal, according to the promoter’s ad we read, is positioning itself as a guarantee against the recession and poor economy. […]