AdGateWorld Joins AVG, BAS In No-Pay Surf Lineup
Members of AdGateWorld (AGW) are complaining today that the surf is not paying rebates. AGW now joins AdViewGlobal (AVG) and BizAdSplash (BAS) in the nonpaying lineup. All three surfs launched in the aftermath of the seizure of tens of millions of dollars last year from Florida-based AdSurfDaily Inc., amid allegations of wire fraud, money-laundering, engaging […]
IN CASE YOU MISSED IT: New AVG Ownership Questions
UPDATED 1:43 P.M. EDT (U.S.A.) Friday was a day unlike any previous day in the so-called autosurf “industry.” A federal judge issued orders on two fronts: a forfeiture case brought by the U.S. government against AdSurfDaily Inc. and a racketeering lawsuit brought by ASD members against ASD President Andy Bowdoin and others. Capsule Review For […]
Members Criticize Bowdoin’s ‘PaperlessAccess’ Video; Some Surf’s Up Posters Say Enough Is Enough
UPDATED 12:15 P.M. EDT (U.S.A.) AdSurfDaily Inc. President Andy Bowdoin once had members eating out of his hand, but his faithful flock now appears to be splintering. Helping drive Bowdoin’s fall from grace is a video in which he positions “Paperless Access,” a company that appears to use a surf model, as a way ASD […]
Sign Of The Apocalypse? Surf Sites Removed sites by David Courtney that promoted autosurfs have been taken offline without explanation. It is unclear if the removal is permanent, but sites for MegaLido, AdGateWorld and BizAdSplash went offline last night and remain offline this morning. “This social network has been taken offline by its owner,” each site said. “It’s likely that the […]
BREAKING NEWS: Obama To Sponsor Plan To Curb International Tax Scheming, Treasury Secretary Tells Panel
The Obama administration said today that it will crack down on international tax cheats and people using tax havens to evade U.S. regulators. In testimony before the House Ways and Means Committee, Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner said Obama will propose new rules to curtail international scheming. “The budget also seeks to close the ‘tax gap’ […]
Shush! AdViewGlobal Promoters Get Tongue-Tied
Here’s how one AdViewGlobal (AVG) promoter put it in a message to his list: “Ad View Global is now known as AV Global Association. AV Global Association is a private membership association. To help protect the members of this private association, I will no longer discuss AVG in my Newsletter.” He did not mention that […]
Stanford Ponzi Scheme Is Affecting Autosurf Trade
When the Securities and Exchange Commission charged R. Allen Stanford Feb. 17 with operating a multibillion-dollar fraud scheme through his bank in Antigua, the news created banking pandemonium on the tiny Caribbean island and also in Panama. In the days that followed, a surf known as BizAdSplash referenced the banking situation in Panama without referencing […]
DISCUSSION THREAD: CEP Judgments, Ponzis And The Deaf, Noobing, Andy Bowdoin, Surf’s Up, BizAdSplash Surf, More
UPDATE 2:49 P.M. EST (U.S.A.) At a gathering of creditors today, Irving Picard, the trustee overseeing the liquidation of Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities, said he could find no evidence that Madoff even purchased securities for customers in the past 13 years. Cash came in — and immediately went out — to sustain the Ponzi, […]
Is The ‘Noobing’ Autosurf Beginning To Tank?
UPDATED 12:37 P.M. EST (U.S.A.) Members of an autosurf named “Noobing” are beginning to complain about “low” rates of return. Is the surf trying to horde cash? Noobing members are complaining publicly about “bait and switch.” They were attracted to the program by suggestions of returns of up to 3 percent a day, but the […]
Our Theory Of The AdSurfDaily Case: Steroidal Puppeteers
UPDATED 4:30 PM EST (U.S.A.) We believe the AdSurfDaily case never has been as complex as it sounds. The root of it is Andy Bowdoin’s greed and instinct to scam. He has no more control over it than he does the color of his own eyes. Andy Bowdoin is not a brilliant or gifted man. […]