
PP Blog Tag archives on references to "affidavit."

BULLETIN: New Affidavit Filed By Andy Bowdoin Appears To Be At Odds With Claims He Made In September

BULLETIN: New Affidavit Filed By Andy Bowdoin Appears To Be At Odds With Claims He Made In September

A sworn affidavit filed today by AdSurfDaily President Andy Bowdoin appears to make claims that are the polar opposite of claims he made in a sworn affidavit witnessed by a notary public and filed in federal court Sept. 15. Separately, Bowdoin’s lawyer, Charles A. Murray, filed a brief that may be the opening volley in […]

EDITORIAL: God, Las Vegas, Satan, The 9/11 Terrorists, The Shills, Andy Bowdoin, And The U.S. Secret Service

EDITORIAL: God, Las Vegas, Satan, The 9/11 Terrorists, The Shills, Andy Bowdoin, And The U.S. Secret Service

A claim was made yesterday in a now-deleted Surf’s Up post that AdSurfDaily President Andy Bowdoin “would not sell us out and he has stood his ground firm since August of 2008.” It was a lie by Bowdoin through a shill. The source to prove the lie is Bowdoin himself. Bowdoin has acknowledged in his […]