SPECIAL REPORT: SEC Sues Commodities Online LLC, Alleging Massive Fraud; Firm That Listed Surf’s Up Mod Terralynn Hoy As ‘Director’ Says It Plowed $39 Million Into Alleged Ponzi Scheme Operated By James Clark Howard III And Others

UPDATED 2:25 P.M. EDT (U.S.A.) In a complex case unfolding in Florida, the SEC has filed fraud charges against two companies that allegedly sold unregistered securities and conducted a $27.5 million “investment scheme” involving “purported commodities contracts.” A receiver has been appointed to marshal the assets of the murky businesses, which are known as Commodities […]
DEVELOPING STORY: Is It All Over For Surf’s Up? Pro-AdSurfDaily Forum Shows Same Message Former AdViewGlobal Forum Displayed When It Vanished

UPDATED 5:25 P.M. ET (U.S.A.) Has the Pro-AdSurfDaily Surf’s Up forum followed in the footsteps of a Pro-AdViewGlobal forum and disappeared for the ages? The URL for Surf’s Up — http://asdmembers.ning.com — is displaying the same message the AVG forum displayed when it vanished last summer after the controversial autosurf with close ASD ties stopped […]
Is The ‘Noobing’ Autosurf Beginning To Tank?
UPDATED 12:37 P.M. EST (U.S.A.) Members of an autosurf named “Noobing” are beginning to complain about “low” rates of return. Is the surf trying to horde cash? Noobing members are complaining publicly about “bait and switch.” They were attracted to the program by suggestions of returns of up to 3 percent a day, but the […]
More Than 50 ‘Demand’ Letters Sent To Prosecutors, Secret Service, In AdSurfDaily Case, Moriarty Tells Senator
UPDATED 12:21 P.M. EST (U.S.A.) Banks are failing. Unemployment is surging. Housing values are plummeting. Credit markets are tight. The economy is shrinking. And “Professor” Patrick Moriarty wants the Senate to investigate the prosecutors and a Secret Service agent involved in the AdSurfDaily case, an alleged $100 million Ponzi scheme. ASD President Andy Bowdoin, the […]