autosurf scams

PP Blog Tag archives on references to "autosurf scams."

UPDATE: E-Bullion, Firm Alleged To Have Provided Payment Services To ASD, Linked To Alleged Legisi Ponzi Scheme; Like ASD, FEDI Fraud Scheme Called Payments ‘Rebates’

UPDATE: E-Bullion, Firm Alleged To Have Provided Payment Services To ASD, Linked To Alleged Legisi Ponzi Scheme; Like ASD, FEDI Fraud Scheme Called Payments 'Rebates'

UPDATED 2:25 P.M. ET (U.S.A.) Still pushing autosurf and HYIP frauds? Last week, the PP Blog reported that the U.S. Secret Service and federal prosecutors had established a link between California-based E-Bullion and Florida-based AdSurfDaily. E-Bullion is a shuttered payment processor whose owner, James Fayed, is awaiting trial on charges of murdering his wife, Pamela […]

EDITORIAL: Prized Magazine ‘Newsweek’ Acquired For $1; Publishing Continues To Bleed — Even As Autosurf Cheerleaders Say They Have The Answer To Lagging Ad Sales

EDITORIAL: Prized Magazine 'Newsweek' Acquired For $1; Publishing Continues To Bleed -- Even As Autosurf Cheerleaders Say They Have The Answer To Lagging Ad Sales

The Associated Press reported yesterday that the Washington Post sold Newsweek magazine — an American treasure — for $1. The Post also absorbed $10 million in debt for Newsweek, which lost nearly $30 million last year. How much is $30 million? Well, it’s about $1.6 million less than AdSurfDaily President Andy Bowdoin had in a […]

GUEST COLUMN: Payment Processors That Give Refunds Unilaterally Help Surf ‘Industry’ Live To See Another Day

Editor’s Note: This is a guest column by Gregg Evans. Online Payment Processors, Enablers of Scams By Greggory B. Evans, PhD Recently it came to light that online payment processor Solid Trust Pay had decided unilaterally to refund some participants in the besieged autosurf ASD Cash Generator. In doing so, it appears STP may have […]

Readers Ask: Are The Surf Promoters REALLY That Stupid?

Readers Ask: Are The Surf Promoters REALLY That Stupid?

We’ve received a number of comments from readers that fall along these lines: Are the people promoting autosurfs despite what has happened to AdSurfDaily, LaFuenteDinero and Golden Panda — and the collapse of MegaLido (and others) — REALLY that stupid? The short answer is maybe. Each and every one of them is risking the same […]

Breaking News: More ASD-Connected Assets Seized; Bowdoin Blamed Company Troubles On Russian Hackers

Federal prosecutors quietly went to court last month, filing a second forfeiture complaint against assets tied to AdSurfDaily Inc. The complaint paints a jaw-dropping picture of insider dealings, special favors, a “silent” ASD partner, people getting paid large sums for doing virtually nothing — and a claim that Russian hackers broke into ASD’s servers and […]

AdSurfDaily: Bowdoin The Envy Of Con Artists Worldwide

AdSurfDaily: Bowdoin The Envy Of Con Artists Worldwide

ASD President Andy Bowdoin demonstrated that any person with access to an autosurf script can put tens of millions of dollars on the table if he or she can meet two minimal conditions: the ability to recruit a few key MLM promoters, and the ability to be influenced by MLM promoters who know how to […]

2008 Concluded With ‘Ponzi-Equals-Pain’ Message

Dear Readers, Our best to you with the dawning of the new year — and our thanks for making this Blog one of your stopping points. If you have a moment in the coming days, think about leaving a comment that answers this question: What will you remember most about 2008? One of the things […]

Madoff Case Sparks Talk Of ‘Clawbacks’

BLOG UPDATE 2:19 P.M. EST (U.S.A.): La Tribune, a French business newspaper, is reporting that a founder of Access International Advisors, a hedge fund with large sums invested with Bernard Madoff, has been found dead in his New York City office building. Rene-Thierry Magon de la Villehuchet, 65, was found this morning. The French newspaper […]

Ad View Global, New ‘Advertising’ Program, Debuts

This morning we read an early pitch for Ad View Global (AVGlobal), a new “advertising” company that is coming online in the wake of the $100 million government seizure of assets tied to AdSurfDaily Inc. AVGlobal, according to the promoter’s ad we read, is positioning itself as a guarantee against the recession and poor economy. […]

EDITORIAL: $7,260 An Hour: The Dangerous Allure Of Autosurfs

I first learned about Ad Surf Daily and Andy Bowdoin in July, prior to the asset seizure, back when I served as a Moderator at the Warrior Forum. ASD members swore by the company, flocking to the forum in droves when Andy Bowdoin had become a topic of widespread conversation on the Web. Some of […]

MegaLido Autosurf, Pushed By ASD Members, Vanishes

We’ve written previously that members of an autosurf known as MegaLido had reported their support requests had been ignored and they they were seeking refunds from AlertPay and SolidTrustPay. MegaLido members now say the site itself has gone offline.  The paid-to-surf site rose to prominence in the weeks after the government seizure of AdSurfDaily’s assets, […]