Burton Wiand

PP Blog Tag archives on references to "Burton Wiand."

2009 Ends With Ponzi Clawbacks In Nadel Case, Demands By Fleeced Investors In Bolze Case For Politicians To Return Tainted Campaign Donations

2009 Ends With Ponzi Clawbacks In Nadel Case, Demands By Fleeced Investors In Bolze Case For Politicians To Return Tainted Campaign Donations

EDITOR’S NOTE: There is a link at the bottom of this story to a report filed by Burton Wiand, the receiver in the Arthur Nadel Ponzi case in Sarasota, Fla. We encourage readers to read the document in its entirety. The Nadel case is not yet a year old. Nadel, who turned 77 today and […]

Seniors In Gallery Of Ponzi Rogues; Grandpa Breaks Bad

Seniors In Gallery Of Ponzi Rogues; Grandpa Breaks Bad

We noted Sunday that a startling number of senior citizens have been implicated in Ponzi schemes or accused of monumental financial misdeeds. Featured in this graphic are (left to right): Andy Bowdoin, president of fundamentally defunct AdSurfDaily Inc. of Quincy, Fla.; Bernard Madoff, head man at fundamentally defunct Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities of New […]