‘OATH’ UPDATE: Official Responds To Strange Filing That Claimed Court Clerk In Charge Of Zeek Rewards’ Records Dishonored Office

UPDATED 9:21 A.M. EDT JULY 2 U.S.A. As the PP Blog reported on June 25, at least one odd sideshow is occurring while court-appointed receiver Kenneth D. Bell is pursuing clawback actions against alleged “winners” in Zeek Rewards. A filing docketed June 23 and attributed to Canadian alleged winner Catherine Parker led to questions about […]
Unsigned Pleading Attributed To Zeek Rewards’ Clawback Defendant Raises Questions About Whether Canadian ‘Sovereign Citizen’ Is Taunting Court, Receivership

4TH UPDATE 2:47 P.M. EDT JUNE 27 U.S.A. An unsigned pro se pleading docketed June 23 and attributed to Zeek Rewards’ clawback defendant Catherine Parker is leading to questions about whether Parker is a Canadian “sovereign citizen” taunting a U.S. federal court in North Carolina and the receivership judicially empowered to gather hundreds of millions […]
ZEEK: Part Of The Backstory — In Pictures

UPDATED 4:20 P.M. EDT (U.S.A.) Unsolved mysteries remain in the Zeek Rewards Ponzi scheme case. Among the unanswered questions are these: How many members did Zeek have in common with AdSurfDaily, a predecessor 1-percent-a-day scam to the Zeek scheme? Why do some Zeek “defenders” appear to be engaged in bizarre bids to harass and menace […]
Did Zeek Give Puff Piece To Rep Who Signed Petition For U.S. Senate To Investigate AdSurfDaily Prosecutors And U.S. Secret Service Agent?

NOTE: 10:46 A.M. EDT: Certain references to “Aaron” (below) in the context of “Aaron and Shara” have been deleted, pending the resolution to a report we received that disputed certain information. Question: Did the Zeek Rewards MLM “program” that plants the seed it provides a return of between 1 percent and 2 percent a day […]
MORE ABSURDITIES: Zeek Promo Appears On Website That Also Pushes JSS Tripler/JustBeenPaid; ‘Indefinitely Sustainable Second Income Seniors . . . Secure Your Pension,’ Site Claims; Zeek Post Includes Detailed Instructions On How To Wire Funds To North Carolina Bank

EDITOR’S NOTE: As the PP Blog was researching matters pertaining to the Zeek Rewards MLM “program” and preparing the post below for publication, it encountered a subdomain of the ZeekRewards.com website styled “zeeksupport.” A page on the subdomain purports to identify 16 Zeek “employees,” although is was unclear whether the workers received a wage or […]