Charles E. Hays

PP Blog Tag archives on references to "Charles E. Hays."

Judge Effectively Orders Treble Financial Penalty By Imposing $64.8 Civil Fine Against Ponzi Swindler Already Convicted In Criminal Case; Scammer Charles E. Hays Also Ordered To Disgorge $19.9 Million In Illicit Profits And Banned From Trade For Life

Judge Effectively Orders Treble Financial Penalty By Imposing $64.8 Civil Fine Against Ponzi Swindler Already Convicted In Criminal Case; Scammer Charles E. Hays Also Ordered To Disgorge $19.9 Million In Illicit Profits And Banned From Trade For Life

UPDATED 2:37 P.M. ET (U.S.A.) If you’re a modern-day commodities fraudster and Ponzi schemer, be prepared to have massive criminal and civil exposure. The recent cases against Charles E. “Chuck” Hays of Minnesota tell a tale of significant prison time, a huge criminal restitution order and civil fines that effectively exposed him to treble damages […]