WILL JSS/JBP AND ‘ONEX’ MEMBERS PAY ATTENTION? Andy Bowdoin’s Plea Agreement Bans Him From MLM, Internet Programs And Mass Marketing; ‘I Am Pleading Guilty Because I Am In Fact Guilty . . .,’ AdSurfDaily Patriarch Tells Judge

Under the terms of his plea agreement, AdSurfDaily President Andy Bowdoin effectively has been banned from multilevel marketing, Internet opportunities and businesses that employ mass marketing. The agreement contains this provision, and Bowdoin consented to it in writing as a condition of release before he is formally sentenced: “Your client shall not participate in any […]
BREAKING NEWS: Andy Bowdoin Hires New Attorney
UPDATED: 11:40 A.M. EDT (U.S.A.) AdSurfDaily President Andy Bowdoin has a new paid attorney: Charles A. Murray of Bonita Springs, Fla. Murray filed an appearance notice today in the civil-forfeiture cased filed in August against money and other assets tied to ASD. The appearance notice says that Murray will represent Bowdoin and two corporate entities: […]