UPDATE: AdSurfDaily’s Andy Bowdoin Faces May 8 Bond-Review Hearing

With federal prosecutors in the District of Columbia now saying AdSurfDaily President Andy Bowdoin was involved in multiple fraud schemes after the U.S. Secret Service seized $65.8 million from his personal bank accounts in August 2008 in a Ponzi probe, the ASD patriarch now faces a bond-review hearing in Washington. U.S. District Judge Rosemary Collyer […]
BULLETIN: Philip Lochmiller Sr., 64-Year-Old Recidivist Huckster And Ponzi Schemer, Effectively Sentenced To Life In Prison

BULLETIN: Philip Lochmiller Sr., the Colorado recidivist securities huckster and Ponzi schemer whose case drew comparisons to the AdSurfDaily Ponzi case for a lack of key disclosures to investors, has been sentenced to 405 months in federal prison and ordered to pay restitution of $18.6 million. The term amounts to nearly 34 years. Lochmiller is […]
BULLETIN: Verdict Goes Against TD Bank In Case Linked To Scott Rothstein Ponzi; Jury Awards $67 Million; Victorious Attorney For Investors Also Is Court-Appointed Receiver In Fraud Case With AdSurfDaily Tie

BULLETIN: A Florida jury found that TD Bank assisted now-disbarred and imprisoned attorney Scott Rothstein in his epic Ponzi scheme and has found the bank liable for $67 million in damages. Read a story in the Sun Sentinel about the federal-court verdict that went against TD Bank. The victorious attorney in the civil case is […]
PART 2: PROSECUTION BOMBSHELL(S): Operators And ‘Insiders’ Received ‘Millions Of Dollars’ From ASD; Bowdoin Changed Subject When Told What He Was Doing Was ‘Not Mathematically Possible’; Government Targeted ASD Money In Iowa Bank Accounts

EDITOR’S NOTE: See Part One here. UPDATED 1:46 P.M. EDT (U.S.A.) AdSurfDaily “paid out millions of dollars to operators and insiders,” according to a U.S. Secret Service affidavit originally filed under seal in February 2009. But ASD President Andy Bowdoin changed the subject when people told him that what Florida-based ASD was doing not only […]
Club Asteria Members Posting On Ponzi Boards Turn Their Attention To ‘JSS Tripler’ Amid Claims Daily Payout Of 2 Percent ‘Indefinitely Sustainable’; ‘Bizarre Substatum’ Gets Crazier Yet

We’ve previously noted that the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) has described the HYIP sphere as a “bizarre substratum of the Internet.” That substratum now is getting crazier yet. Three weeks ago, Club Asteria was a great darling of the Ponzi boards. But weekly payout rates that purportedly have been slashed — coupled with a […]
SPECIAL REPORT: SEC Sues Commodities Online LLC, Alleging Massive Fraud; Firm That Listed Surf’s Up Mod Terralynn Hoy As ‘Director’ Says It Plowed $39 Million Into Alleged Ponzi Scheme Operated By James Clark Howard III And Others

UPDATED 2:25 P.M. EDT (U.S.A.) In a complex case unfolding in Florida, the SEC has filed fraud charges against two companies that allegedly sold unregistered securities and conducted a $27.5 million “investment scheme” involving “purported commodities contracts.” A receiver has been appointed to marshal the assets of the murky businesses, which are known as Commodities […]
FDIC, Georgia Authorities Shut Down Bank That Once Held Proceeds From Alleged ASD/Golden Panda Ad Builder Scheme

Bartow County Bank, which once held deposits tied to Golden Panda Ad Builder and the alleged AdSurfDaily Ponzi scheme, has failed in Georgia. The Georgia Department of Banking and Finance closed the small bank today and appointed the FDIC receiver. Bartow once held $644,266 linked to Golden Panda, federal prosecutors said in a December 2008 […]
UPDATE: Club Asteria Now Said To Have 230,000 Members; ‘I Got Paid’ Posts Appear On Ponzi Boards; Press Releases Picked Up By Google News; Web Promos Stress ‘Passive’ Earnings

“[I]f this company doesn’t have sales, it’s not a viable company. Every company has to have sales that’s what makes this company work because the great business model, not because it has a lot of outside resources, but with that said we have a lot of things planned in the next weeks and months ahead. […]
BULLETIN: 40,000 Potential Victims Identified So Far In ASD Case; Government Says Autosurf Firm May Not Have Entered All Names In Database

BULLETIN: Federal prosecutors now say that a Florida company whose operator is accused of running an international Ponzi scheme may have defrauded 40,000 or more victims and may not have entered all the names of people who gave it money into the firm’s database. Andy Bowdoin, the president of AdSurfDaily, was indicted last month on […]
URGENT >> BULLETIN >> MOVING: Secret Service Has Seized More ASD Cash; Forfeiture Complaint Filed Today Against Bank Accounts Controlled By Erma ‘Web Room Lady’ Seabaugh And Robyn Lynn Stevenson

BULLETIN: UPDATED 6:27 A.M. ET (U.S.A., DEC. 18) The U.S. Secret Service and federal prosecutors have seized nearly $250,000 from two alleged ASD promoters and filed a new forfeiture complaint dated today. More than $153,000 has been seized from a bank account controlled by ASD promoter Erma Seabaugh, known as the “Web Room Lady.” Seabaugh […]
DISTURBING: Email Received By Some ASD Members Suggests They Could Be Sued For Participating In Refund Program; Records Suggest ‘Legal Opinion’ Was Offered By Man Named In Complaints For ‘Unauthorized Practice Of Law’ And Linked To ‘Extremist Group’ By Anti-Defamation League

In a bizarre and unsettling development, some members of AdSurfDaily who may be planning to file for restitution through the official claims administrator have received a confusing and threatening email from a “group” of ASD members. The email, which appears to be a compendium that cobbles together communications from the group and asks ASD members to […]