Colonel Dr. Rashid Mohammad Borshid

PP Blog Tag archives on references to "Colonel Dr. Rashid Mohammad Borshid."

BULLETIN: U.S. Kindergarten Teacher Killed In Mall Restroom In Abu Dhabi Month After Jihadist Advisory By U.S. Embassy; Suspect Described As ‘Ghost’

BULLETIN: U.S. Kindergarten Teacher Killed In Mall Restroom In Abu Dhabi Month After Jihadist Advisory By U.S. Embassy; Suspect Described As 'Ghost'

BULLETIN: A 37-year-old American kindergarten teacher and mother of 11-year-old twins died in a hospital Monday after being stabbed in a Reem Island mall restroom in Abu Dhabi, the capital of the Abu Dhabi emirate in the United Arab Emirates. The attack followed an Oct. 29 warning by the U.S. Embassy “of a recent anonymous […]