INTERPOL PRESIDENT: Transnational Criminals Working For ‘Common . . . Boss’ In Asia Gathered Billions; Suspects Caught At Airport In ‘Nick Of Time’; Cybercrime Costs In Europe Now Approaching $1 TRILLION A Year; U.S. Banks Lost $12 Billion To Cyber Criminals In 2011
“[Eighty] per cent of crime committed online is now connected to organized gangs operating across borders. Criminal gangs now find that transnational and cybercrime are far more rewarding and profitable than other riskier forms of making money.” — INTERPOL President Khoo Boon Hui at 41st European Regional Conference held in Tel Aviv, citing study from […]
JUSTICE DEPARTMENT OFFICIAL: ‘Massive Proceeds’ From Online Crime And Unknown Destinations Of Money Pose Security Risk That ‘Cannot Be Ignored’
In testimony today, Deputy Assistant Attorney General Jason Weinstein told members of the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime and Terrorism that cybercriminals are posing “ongoing threats” to the U.S. information and financial infrastructure. The threats are posed by “nation-states, criminals, and terrorists who exploit our pervasive dependency on information technology to misappropriate or destroy information, […]
U.S. Secret Service Partners With European Agencies To Form Electronic Crimes Task Force Headquartered In Rome
In what is bad news for cyber criminals and online financial hucksters, the U.S. Secret Service has announced a partnership with European law-enforcement agencies to form the first European Electronic Crimes Task Force. Officials signed a “memorandum of understanding,” with the Secret Service, Italian Police and the Italian Postal Service taking the lead roles. The […]