
PP Blog Tag archives on references to "Cyberprofit."

BULLETIN: Zeek Receiver May Push For Contempt Against Payza

BULLETIN: Zeek Receiver May Push For Contempt Against Payza

BULLETIN: New court filings in the Zeek Rewards’ Ponzi- and pyramid-scheme case brought by the SEC in 2012 say Zeek receiver Kenneth D. Bell may ask a federal judge for a finding of contempt against Payza, a payment processor. The news comes as federal prosecutors continue a criminal investigation involving Payza and Obopay, another payment processor. Prosecutors […]

STATS: High Interest Globally In Criminal Probe Involving Payza And Obopay

STATS: High Interest Globally In Criminal Probe Involving Payza And Obopay

On the past four Mondays — Oct. 26, Nov. 2, Nov. 9 and Nov. 16 — the PP Blog averaged viewership from 32 countries, according to a compilation of data from Jetpack summarized by the Blog. These numbers are typical. On any given day, viewers from between 25 and 40 countries arrive here. But on Oct. […]