Daniel Joseph Sebastian

PP Blog Tag archives on references to "Daniel Joseph Sebastian."

REPORT: Ponzi Pitchman Found Dead In Florida Of Apparent Suicide

REPORT: Ponzi Pitchman Found Dead In Florida Of Apparent Suicide

Daniel Joseph Sebastian, accused last year by the SEC of being a pitchman for the James D. Risher Ponzi scheme, has been found dead in Florida of an apparent suicide, The Ledger.com is reporting. Risher, a 61-year-old recidivist felon last living in Sanibel, Fla., pleaded guilty to Ponzi-related offenses last year and was sentenced to […]

BULLETIN: FLORIDA — AGAIN (UPDATE): James Risher Ponzi Scheme Used Pitchman Who Targeted Teachers, Retirees, Church Members, Golfers, SEC Says; Risher Had 5 Prior Criminal Convictions; Pitchman Daniel Joseph Sebastian Now Charged Civilly

BULLETIN: FLORIDA -- AGAIN (UPDATE): James Risher Ponzi Scheme Used Pitchman Who Targeted Teachers, Retirees, Church Members, Golfers, SEC Says; Risher Had 5 Prior Criminal Convictions; Pitchman Daniel Joseph Sebastian Now Charged Civilly

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