BULLETIN: FLORIDA — AGAIN: FTC Seeks Contempt Sanction Against Firm That Allegedly Hawks Deceptive ‘Food Stamp’ Guide And Credit-Repair Services; Bizarre Website Linked To Defendants Rails Against ‘Greedy Politicians’

BULLETIN: The Federal Trade Commission has gone to federal court in Fort Myers to seek contempt sanctions against Florida companies accused of encouraging prospects to misrepresent information on applications to receive Food Stamp benefits. Prospects who followed the advice could be charged with a crime, the FTC said. The companies and their principal also are […]
Like MPB Today And Data Network Affiliates’ Promoters, TVI Express Pitchmen Used Images Of Warren Buffett And Donald Trump; Government Of South Africa Reportedly Opens Criminal Probe Amid Pyramid Allegations

TVI Express, an MLM company whose pitchmen have used images of business titans Warren Buffett and Donald Trump to plant the seed they backed the firm, has come under criminal investigation in South Africa, according to web records and a media site. Buffett and Trump are believed to have no ties to the firm. News […]
BULLETIN: National Institutes Of Health Says OWOW Multilevel-Marketing Firm Using Agency Press Release On Cancer Research Inappropriately; Separately, Piccolo Says ‘Magnetic’ Product Prevented Amputation — And Also Helps Tomatoes Grow

BULLETIN: The National Institutes of Health (NIH), a division of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, said this morning that the OWOW multilevel-marketing program was using agency materials on cancer research inappropriately. OWOW is associated with Internet Marketer Phil Piccolo. The company has positioned at least two products sold MLM-style as cancer cures […]
LETTER TO READERS: Reflections On 1,000 PP Blog Posts, The Lionization Of Fools And An Unprecedented Crime Wave That Threatens National Security And Is Filling Stadiums With Victims

Dear Readers, This is actually Post No. 1,007 since the PP Blog switched to the WordPress platform two years ago this month. We’d hoped to commemorate our 1,000th WordPress post in the actual 1,000th post, but missed the chance because of Breaking News concerning the Financial Fraud Enforcement Task Force’s Operation Broken Trust. Several hours […]
Walmart Joins ‘If You See Something, Say Something’ Terrorism-Awareness Campaign Operated By Department Of Homeland Security; Agency Takes Message To The Heartland As Critics Post Rants On YouTube

It has become kneejerk sport to deride Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Janet Napolitano as “Big Sis.” Today the attacks on Napolitano turned even more caustic, with the announcement by both DHS and Walmart that Walmart had joined the DHS-operated “If You See Something, Say Something” campaign. Walmart issued a news release today saying […]
STRANGENESS PILES UP: OWOW ‘8G Zip Drive Stick’ Offered From Non-Existent Address Of ‘123 Internet St.’ In Des Moines, Iowa; Similar Bogus Address Of ‘123 Online St.’ Advertises ‘Global Gifting Connection’

Advertising a Des Moines, Iowa, business address of 123 Internet St. and claiming the “owow 8g zip drive stick is the new face of data network affiliates,” an affiliate of DNA/OWOW is seeking to drive business to the firm. But the Des Moines Police Department told the PP Blog this morning that no such street […]
OWOW Defender And Phil Piccolo Apologist Demands To Know If PP Blog Is ‘Israeli’; Says Blog Spreads ‘Islamophobia’ And That Terror Scares Are ‘FAKE’; Suggests Cover-Up Followed 9/11 Attacks

Hours after the PP Blog published a story about the FBI foiling a bid to detonate a bomb targeted at American children and families at a Christmas tree lighting ceremony in Portland, Ore., a poster defending OWOW — the apparent successor company to Data Network Affiliates (DNA) — demanded to know if the Blog was […]
Egg-Themed Domains Used To Promote HYIPs That Flushed Hundreds Of Millions Of Dollars Go Missing — Plus, An Update On Data Network Affiliates Amid Suggestion Thyroid Cancer Sufferers Can Benefit From Product Called ‘O-WOW TurboMune’

Four egg-themed domain names used to drive business to HYIPs that ended in spectacular flameouts and foreshadowed a warning from the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) have gone missing. The domains — including one that redirected to an HYIP site known bizarrely as Cash Tanker, which used an image of Jesus Christ to promote a […]
PRIVACY A CASUALTY OF MPB TODAY? Promo Shows Snapshot Of Customer In Walmart’s Pharmacy Section; Slide Show Shows 32 Snapshots Of MPB Affiliates Waving Checks And Walmart Cards, 15 Snapshots Taken Inside A Walmart Store

UPDATED 3:38 P.M. ET (U.S.A.) A 52-frame slide show accessible online may lead to questions about whether the privacy of Walmart customers and Walmart itself has been invaded in a sales promo for the purported MPB Today “grocery” program. At least nine of the slides show customers, including people who appear to be senior citizens, […]
UPDATES/NEWS: ASA Ponzi Forum Now Redirects To CashX.com; Arthur Nadel Gets 14 Years In Florida Ponzi Case Brought By Obama Task Force; Former Indiana Pastor Who Bilked Christians Convicted Of Securities Fraud

UPDATED 10:56 A.M. EDT (U.S.A.) The ASA Monitor Ponzi and criminals’ forum now is redirecting to a website operated by CashX.com, a Canadian payment processor that hawks MasterCard debit cards and says it permits customers to withdrawn money to Liberty Reserve. Liberty Reserve is a Ponzi-friendly payment processor purportedly headquartered in Costa Rica after earlier […]
BULLETIN: Florida — Again: SEC Sues Atlantis Technology Group In Alleged Online Television Pump-And-Dump Scheme; CEO Christopher M. Dubeau Threatened ‘Bashers’ For Making ‘Slanderous’ Postings, March News Release Says

BULLETIN: UPDATED 10:51 A.M. EDT (U.S.A., Oct. 1.) About six months after the chief executive officer of Atlantis Technology Group (Atlantis) was quoted in a Marketwire news release that threatened online commentators for “making slanderous postings” about the company, the SEC has gone to federal court in Florida to accuse Atlantis CEO Christopher Dubeau and […]