Dave Kettner

PP Blog Tag archives on references to "Dave Kettner."

BULLETIN: Zeek Receiver Says ‘Large Sums . . . May Have Been Transferred By Net Winners To Other Entities In Order To Hide Or Shelter Those Assets’

BULLETIN: Zeek Receiver Says 'Large Sums . . . May Have Been Transferred By Net Winners To Other Entities In Order To Hide Or Shelter Those Assets'

BULLETIN: (UPDATED 2:34 P.M. ET U.S.A.) The court-appointed receiver in the Zeek Rewards Ponzi scheme case has advised a federal judge that he “has obtained information indicating that large sums of Receivership Assets may have been transferred by net winners to other entities in order to hide or shelter those assets.” The dramatic assertion by […]

URGENT >> BULLETIN >> MOVING: SEC Files Motion In Zeek Case To Oppose Appointment Of Examiner; In Blistering Memo, Agency Accuses Robert Craddock Of Encouraging Affiliates ‘Not To Cooperate With The Receiver’

URGENT >> BULLETIN >> MOVING: SEC Files Motion In Zeek Case To Oppose Appointment Of Examiner; In Blistering Memo, Agency Accuses Robert Craddock Of Encouraging Affiliates 'Not To Cooperate With The Receiver'

URGENT >> BULLETIN >> MOVING: (UPDATED 11:58 A.M. ET (U.S.A.) The SEC has gone to federal court in the Western District of North Carolina to oppose a motion by Zeek “winners” to appoint an “examiner” over all Zeek affiliates. In a blistering, 12-page memo, the agency accused Zeek figure Robert Craddock of encouraging Zeek affiliates […]

BULLETIN: Zeek Receiver Opposes Appointment Of ‘Examiner’; Zeek Cheerleaders, ZTeamBiz Missives Get A Mention; Let Them ‘Employ Counsel At Their Own Expense,’ Bell Urges Judge

BULLETIN: Zeek Receiver Opposes Appointment Of 'Examiner'; Zeek Cheerleaders, ZTeamBiz Missives Get A Mention; Let Them 'Employ Counsel At Their Own Expense,' Bell Urges Judge

“The ZeekRewards scheme has claimed hundreds of thousands of victims who lost hundreds of millions of dollars at the hands of the scheme’s winners who solicited their participation. Now, apparently not appreciating the irony, the lawyer for hundreds of the largest net winners asks the Court to pay him to be an ‘examiner’ or ‘representative […]

URGENT >> BULLETIN >> MOVING: Ira Lee Sorkin, Bernard Madoff’s Attorney, Files Motion For Clients Who Are Potential Clawback Targets For More Than $1.56 Million In Zeek Case

URGENT >> BULLETIN >> MOVING: Ira Lee Sorkin, Bernard Madoff's Attorney, Files Motion For Clients Who Are Potential Clawback Targets For More Than $1.56 Million In Zeek Case

URGENT >> BULLETIN >> MOVING: (3RD UPDATE 11:33 P.M. ET (U.S.A.) Famed defense attorney Ira Lee Sorkin is seeking pro hac vice admission to practice in U.S. District Court for the Western District of North Carolina on behalf of two prospective clawback targets in the Zeek Rewards Ponzi scheme case. Sorkin is with Lowenstein Sandler […]

Nearly $2 Million Allegedly At Stake For 3 Arizona Zeek Affiliates Who Received Subpoenas, Filings Say

Nearly $2 Million Allegedly At Stake For 3 Arizona Zeek Affiliates Who Received Subpoenas, Filings Say

“[Zeek operator Paul] Burks is solely responsible for determining the amount of ‘net profits’ to share in the Retail Profit Pool . . . Defendants represent that daily awards are calculated by dividing ‘up to 50%’ of daily net profits by the number of Profit Points outstanding among all Qualified Affiliates. This calculation results in […]

DISTURBING: ‘ProfitClicking’ Thread At MoneyMakerGroup Ponzi Forum Used In Zeek-Related Disinformation Campaign That Delivers Traffic To Troy Dooly’s Blog While Creating Brand Confusion And Opportunity To Harvest Leads For Poster Known As ‘freezeekler’

DISTURBING: 'ProfitClicking' Thread At MoneyMakerGroup Ponzi Forum Used In Zeek-Related Disinformation Campaign That Delivers Traffic To Troy Dooly's Blog While Creating Brand Confusion And Opportunity To Harvest Leads For Poster Known As 'freezeekler'

EDITOR’S NOTE: The PP Blog sought comment from Troy Dooly of MLMHelpDesk this morning (Sunday) on the disturbing Zeek- and Ponzi forum-related developments reported in our story below. (Story appears below screen shots.) Dooly has not responded as of the time of this post, but the PP Blog will publish his comment if and when […]