Digital Point Forum

PP Blog Tag archives on references to "Digital Point Forum."

Timeline Suggests INetGlobal Was Pounding Clickbank Vendors With Traffic From China In Months Proceeding Raid While Sucking Bandwidth And Destroying Conversion Stats

Timeline Suggests INetGlobal Was Pounding Clickbank Vendors With Traffic From China In Months Proceeding Raid While Sucking Bandwidth And Destroying Conversion Stats

EDITOR’S NOTE: Untargeted, unfocused traffic and participants who did not have websites to advertise are two of the issues in the AdSurfDaily autosurf Ponzi scheme case. They also are issues in the INetGlobal case. UPDATED 8:20 A.M. ET (March 10, U.S.A.) Public records and other information suggest INetGlobal was becoming largely dependent on cash from […]