INetGlobal Employees Ask Judge For Order That Blocks Secret Service From Interviewing Them; Claim Government Has ‘Superiority’ Mentality

The litigation against INetGlobal amid Ponzi scheme allegations is turning into a legal slugfest in multiple venues. On one side, federal prosecutors are seeking to disqualify INetGlobal attorney Mark Kallenbach, claiming that he is attempting to be both a lawyer and a witness in the same case. Now, employees of INetGlobal are seeking a protective […]
Steve Renner Fires, Gets Restraining Order Against Donald Allen; Says Former VP Harassed Him, Tried To Extort $100,000

Former INetGlobal CEO Steven Keough now has some company on the list of people alleged to have tried to extort money from the Steve Renner family of companies. Renner went to court yesterday in Minnesota to seek a restraining order prohibiting Donald Allen from harassing him. The order was granted after Renner asserted Allen tried […]
No Stranger To Controversy, Donald Allen Says He Is Cooperating With Secret Service In INetGlobal Probe And Has ‘One Hell Of A Story’ To Tell

UPDATED 6:08 P.M. ET (U.S.A. JAN. 20, 2011.) EDITOR’S NOTE: The story below includes an assertion by Donald Allen that his website was knocked offline Sunday by a company with ties to INetGlobal. Moments before the story was set for publication, the IBNN website returned. The story does not reflect this later event, and […]
Spokesman For Renner-Related Company Did Not Disclose Tie In Opinion Piece That Attacked Star-Tribune Newspaper; Name Is Referenced In Secret Service Affidavit; Declines To Answer Questions From PP Blog

UPDATED 2:25 P.M. ET (March 2, U.S.A.) The vice president and director of public relations for V-Newswire — a company in Steve Renner’s INetGlobal family — authored an opinion piece lambasting a Minnesota newspaper’s coverage of a Secret Service raid at INetGlobal’s Minneapolis offices last week on his personal Blog, but did not disclose his […]