Embassy of the Republic of Haiti

PP Blog Tag archives on references to "Embassy of the Republic of Haiti."

CLAIM: TelexFree Reps Took ‘Private Jet’ From Dominican Republic To Haiti And Were Met At Airport By ‘Prime Minister’s’ Motorcade

CLAIM: TelexFree Reps Took 'Private Jet' From Dominican Republic To Haiti And Were Met At Airport By 'Prime Minister's' Motorcade

UPDATED 7:03 P.M. ET (U.S.A.) At a TelexFree pitchfest in a Massachusetts hotel this morning, a man promoting a credit-repair “program” linked to TelexFree claimed that TelexFree reps recently took a “private jet” from the Dominican Republic to Haiti. “I felt like a rockstar,” the man said from the stage. Once on the ground in […]