AdSurfDaily Figure Christian Oesch Named Defendant In Lawsuit Filed By Fannie Mae; Utah Man Calls Himself ‘Fiction & Transmitting Utility’ In Response To Complaint
EDITOR’S NOTE: In July 2010, Christian Oesch of Utah, and Kenneth Wayne Leaming of Spanaway, Wash., sought to sue the United States — apparently for the staggering sum of more than $29 trillion — for its actions in the AdSurfDaily Ponzi forfeiture case brought by the U.S. Secret Service in August 2008. The Secret Service […]
3 PONZI/FRAUD CAPSULES: (1) Washington State Woman Jailed In Alleged $126 Million Ponzi Scheme; (2) Charity, Church, Investors In Metro Washington, D.C., Allegedly Scammed In $27M Ponzi; (3) South Florida Man Sentenced To More Than 12 Years In $29.5M ‘Gold’ Scam
EDITOR’S NOTE: This information is presented in the form of briefs, with links to external sources. 1.) Doris E. Nelson, arrested/jailed in Spokane, Wash., region, last week after federal raid in April 2010. SEC filed civil charges in September 2011. The allegations against Nelson and multiple companies in Nevada, Utah and Canada are alarming, but […]
UPDATE: Criminal Charges Upgraded Against Reputed ‘Sovereign Citizen’ Marshall Home; Accused Schemer Now Charged With Alleged Theft Bid From Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac
Marshall E. Home, the 81-year-old “sovereign citizen” accused in Arizona two months ago of filing a false petition to place the United States in involuntary bankruptcy and causing at least 173 false claims to be filed against the nation, has more legal problems. Home and Margaret Elizabeth Broderick of Tucson have been charged in a […]