TelexFree Members In Massachusetts Get Payout From Bank Fund
About 14,000 TelexFree members in Massachusetts have received a payout from a $3.5 million fund set up last year as a result of a settlement between the state Securities Division and Fidelity Co-Operative Bank, the office of Commonwealth Secretary William Galvin said today. “While this money does not make the TelexFREE victims whole, the distribution does […]
URGENT >> BULLETIN >> MOVING: TelexFree, Gerald Nehra MLM Law Firm, Banks, Processors Sued In Prospective Class Action That Alleges RICO Violations
URGENT >> BULLETIN >> MOVING: (18th update 3:49 P.M. EDT U.S.A.) TelexFree, MLM attorney Gerald Nehra, “Doe” insiders and several banks have been sued in a prospective class-action that alleges fraud and violations of the federal RICO (racketeering) statute. “Certain Defendants share joint and severable liability, including the Doe Inside Promoters, the licensed professionals such […]