In Asking Court To Reject Proposed Herbalife Class-Action Settlement, Objectors Point To Clawback Actions Flowing From Zeek Case

EDITOR’S NOTE: Clients of attorney Douglas M. Brooks object to the proposed Herbalife-class-action settlement on a number of grounds. This story focuses on only one of them: one that cites “clawback” actions flowing from the Zeek Rewards’ Ponzi- and pyramid case. The Zeek clawback actions underscore the litigation dangers MLM distributors may encounter after harrumphing […]
FTC, 3 State Attorneys General Move On Fortune Hi-Tech Marketing (FHTM) Amid Pyramid Allegations; MLM Site Now Resolves To Court-Appointed Receiver’s Page

BULLETIN: The FTC and attorneys general for the states of Illinois, Kentucky, and North Carolina have moved against Fortune Hi-Tech Marketing (FHTM), alleging it is a pyramid scheme. A federal judge in the Northern District of Illinois has appointed a receiver and ordered an asset freeze. FHTM’s website at now resolves to a site […]