Zeek Net-Winner Notifications Expected To Begin Soon; Receiver To Establish ‘Net Winnings Determination Response Portal’
If you’re a net winner in the massive Zeek Rewards’ Ponzi- and pyramid scheme, your notice that you must return your ill-gotten haul with interest may arrive as early as next week. Under the terms of a court order by Senior U.S. District Judge Graham C. Mullen, the notice will apply to more than 9,000 alleged winners […]
URGENT >> BULLETIN >> MOVING: Zeek Receiver Moves For Summary Judgment Against Class-Action Clawback Defendants; Kenneth Bell Says Defense Expert Witness Has Found No Evidence That ‘Disproves That The Business As A Whole Operated As A Ponzi Scheme’
URGENT >> BULLETIN >> MOVING: (3RD UPDATE 6:11 P.M. EDT U.S.A.) On virtually the eve of the criminal trial of Paul Burks, receiver Kenneth D. Bell has asked the court presiding over a huge class-action lawsuit against 9,400 alleged Zeek “winners” for a finding the MLM program was a Ponzi scheme. Such a finding would mandate […]
RECEIVER: Zeek Winner ‘sovlife’ Created 80 Victims In Cross-Border Ponzi/Pyramid Scheme
UPDATED 11:45 P.M. EDT U.S.A. David Ian MacGregor Fraser, a New Zealand resident who used the handle “sovlife” and is challenging a U.S. court’s jurisdiction over him in Zeek Rewards’ clawback actions, enrolled 96 paying members — 80 of whom were “victims,” according to court-appointed receiver Kenneth D. Bell. Those 80 victims lost a total […]
BULLETIN: Receiver Says $12 Million In Zeek Money Located ‘In An Eastern European Country’ — But Has Not Been Returned
BULLETIN: (2ND UPDATE 8:47 P.M. ET U.S.A.) The court-appointed receiver in the Zeek Rewards Ponzi-scheme case says he has located $12 million in receivership assets held in an unspecified “eastern European country” — but the funds have not been returned. “This account is owned and was used by a payment processor outside the United States […]
BULLETIN: Zeek Mystery Deepens: Receiver Says He Discovered ‘Foreign’ Account That Has NOT Been Seized; Meanwhile, $5 Million In Cashier’s Checks From Single U.S. Bank Found At Zeek Headquarters; Firm’s Records Described As ‘Inadequate Or Incomplete’; Secret Service Has Recovered Lion’s Share Of $293 Million Found So Far
BULLETIN: (5TH UPDATE 6:13 P.M. EDT) The court-appointed receiver in the Zeek Rewards Ponzi scheme case says he discovered that Zeek has “at least one foreign account” that has not been seized. It was “not clear” whether the funds would be recoverable despite the fact the bank that holds the account has been served with […]