Geovanni Sorino

PP Blog Tag archives on references to "Geovanni Sorino."

Judge Halts Alleged Sweepstakes Scam That Traded On Name Of Government And Used ‘Official Looking Seals,’ FTC Says; Schemers Tried To Dupe ‘Hundreds Of Thousands’ Of Consumers

Judge Halts Alleged Sweepstakes Scam That Traded On Name Of Government And Used 'Official Looking Seals,' FTC Says; Schemers Tried To Dupe 'Hundreds Of Thousands' Of Consumers

A federal judge in California has halted a marketing scheme in which the symbols and language of government and the names of bogus government agencies with “official sounding names” were used to trick consumers into believing they’d won a sweepstakes, the FTC said. Twelve defendants have been charged in the alleged scheme, which charged consumers […]