URGENT >> BULLETIN >> MOVING: Herbalife Must ‘Fundamentally Restructure Its Business,’ FTC Says In Settlement Announcement; Agency Brings Complaint In Federal Court That Alleges ‘Deceptive And Unlawful Acts And Practices’

URGENT >> BULLETIN >> MOVING: (13th Update 3:45 p.m. EDT U.S.A.) The FTC is going to federal court in the Central District of California, alleging that Herbalife engaged in “deceptive and unlawful acts and practices.” Separately, the agency announced a settlement with the company that will have Herbalife pay $200 million and change the way […]
After Vemma College Flap, Herbalife Products Marketed Through One Of Largest Catholic High Schools In United States

UPDATED 3:59 P.M. EDT U.S.A. It surfaced on Twitter today in the $HLF search thread that Herbalife products are being marketed through Mater Dei High School in Santa Ana, Calif. The Catholic school bills itself “the largest non-public school west of Chicago.” Herbalife is under investigation by the Federal Trade Commission. Hedge-fund manager and Herbalife […]
In Wake Of Herbalife Probe And Vemma Litigation, ESPN Asks If AdvoCare Is Pyramid Scheme And Pusher Of False Hope

“And while the company claims its primary objective is selling products, many of its distributors tell a different story. ESPN interviewed more than 30 current and former salespeople, the vast majority of whom said their focus, and the focus of their superiors, was on recruiting other distributors. These new members, many of whom are drawn […]
DEVELOPING STORY: TelexFree Rep Sued By Trustee Claims Herbalife ‘Executives’ And ‘Personnel’ Helped Sell Him On Alleged Ponzi/Pyramid Deal

DEVELOPING STORY: (Updated 9:23 p.m. ET U.S.A.) A TelexFree rep being sued by the court-appointed bankruptcy trustee for the return of more than $2.6 million in alleged winnings from the judicially declared Ponzi- and pyramid scheme claims that Herbalife “executives” and “personnel” attended a March 2014 TelexFree event in Boston and helped sell him on the ill-fated […]
BULLETIN: New York State Senator Calls Herbalife A ‘Pyramid Scheme,’ Says Its ‘House Of Cards Is Tumbling Down’

5th Update 8:04 p.m. EDT U.S.A. New York state Sen. Jeffrey D. Klein of the Bronx has called Herbalife a pyramid scheme whose “house of cards is tumbling down.” Klein’s comments came in the context of an “undercover investigation” conducted by his office into Herbalife nutrition clubs in “The Bronx, Queens, and Brooklyn,” according to a PDF […]
BULLETIN: Name Of Herbalife Refugee Anthony Powell Surfaces In Vemma Pyramid-Scheme Case

2ND UPDATE 4:16 P.M. EDT U.S.A. Former Herbalife President’s Team member Anthony Powell is referenced in a report by the court-appointed receiver in the Vemma pyramid-scheme case filed by the FTC last month. The mention is potentially embarrassing to the MLM trade, which has a reputation for recruiters dragging financially strapped prospects from scheme to […]
DEVELOPING: Herbalife V. Twitter: More Latino Polarization?

UPDATED 3:33 P.M. EDT U.S.A. Herbalife International of America Inc. has sued Twitter Inc. in a reported bid to out the identity of a person posting on Twitter as @AfueraHerbaLIES and then potentially sue that person for defamation, Reuters and other media outlets are reporting. The PP Blog this morning identified the action as case […]
In Asking Court To Reject Proposed Herbalife Class-Action Settlement, Objectors Point To Clawback Actions Flowing From Zeek Case

EDITOR’S NOTE: Clients of attorney Douglas M. Brooks object to the proposed Herbalife-class-action settlement on a number of grounds. This story focuses on only one of them: one that cites “clawback” actions flowing from the Zeek Rewards’ Ponzi- and pyramid case. The Zeek clawback actions underscore the litigation dangers MLM distributors may encounter after harrumphing […]
SEC Enforcement Chief References Investor Alert On ‘Pyramid Schemes Posing As Multi-Level Marketing Programs’ In Congressional Testimony Today, Says ‘Coordinated Effort’ To Disrupt Them Under Way

“The staff also has recently seen what appears to be an increase in pyramid schemes . . . under the guise of ‘multi-level marketing’ and ‘network marketing’ opportunities . . . These schemes often target the most vulnerable investors, and social media has expanded their reach. The Division is deploying resources to disrupt these schemes […]
EDITORIAL: Creeping Up On MLM Perdition

EDITOR’S NOTE: The MLM “program” known as Wings Network is alleged to have operated through two business entities that used the name “Tropikgadget.” The SEC’s case, announced Friday, is filed in U.S. District Court for the District of Massachusetts. That’s the same venue in which the agency’s epic TelexFree case was filed last year. There […]
ACKMAN: ‘We Can Fight Pyramids With Our Own Pyramid’

2ND UPDATE 3:23 P.M. ET U.S.A. In another swipe at Herbalife and perhaps MLM recruiting schemes in general, activist investor Bill Ackman says he’s out to combat pyramid schemes by creating one himself. Ackman’s apparent tongue-in-cheek approach adopts a typical “tell five” MLM marketing technique as part of a bid to create Internet virality for […]