EDITORIAL: On The War In Zeekland And HYIP Rabbit Holes

EDITOR’S NOTE: On Feb. 5, 2014, Zeek figures and alleged insiders Dawn Wright-Olivares and Daniel Olivares pleaded guilty to federal crimes. Wright-Olivares pleaded guilty to investment-fraud conspiracy and tax-fraud conspiracy. Olivares pleaded guilty to investment-fraud conspiracy. Federal prosecutors in the Western District of North Carolina are maintaining an information site here. Kenneth D. Bell, the […]
URGENT >> BULLETIN >> MOVING: Zeek Receiver Sues MLM Attorney Kevin Grimes For Sum In Excess Of $100 Million

URGENT >> BULLETIN >> MOVING: (11th Update 9:43 p.m. EDT U.S.A.) The court-appointed receiver in the Zeek Rewards Ponzi- and pyramid case has sued MLM attorney Kevin Grimes and the Grimes & Reese law firm, alleging malpractice, negligence and breach of fiduciary duty. In the Grimes action, the receiver is seeking “an amount in excess […]