RECOMMENDED READING: Jordan Maglich In Forbes On Green-Lighting Of SEC Lawsuit In Alleged Ponzi Scheme Involving Bitcoin — And Why Zeekers Should Pay Attention

A federal judge in Texas has ruled that investments in the alleged Bitcoin Savings and Trust HYIP Ponzi scheme met all three prongs of the Howey Test and constituted an “investment contract” under federal securities laws. The ruling by U.S. Magistrate Judge Amos L. Mazzant of the Eastern District of Texas means that a lawsuit […]
DUBIOUS MILESTONE: ‘Profitable Sunrise’ Website Has Been Offline For 10 Days; ‘All Is Good,’ Pitchman Tells Conference-Call Listeners; Wild, Unverified Claims Made On Facebook And Ponzi Boards That ‘Program’ Will Resurface As 4-Percent-A-Day Scheme

UPDATED 11:33 A.M. EDT (APRIL 1, U.S.A.) On April 1, the PP Blog published a story that informs Profitable Sunrise participants on how to contact state and provincial securities regulators in the United States and Canada. That story is here. April 1 was the date the Profitable Sunrise “Long Haul” plan was supposed to pay […]
MODERN MLM? Purported JSS Tripler/JustBeenPaid Promoter Who’s Also a Purported Zeek Promoter Tells Zeek Members They Can Post Their ‘Ads’ On His Blog To Earn Zeek Payouts

1. 2. UPDATED 11:22 A.M. EDT (JUNE 13, U.S.A.) Images of a man described as “Alan Chapman” appear in online promos for both the JSS Tripler/JustBeenPaid and Zeek Rewards “programs” that plant the seed that enormous daily returns on the order of 1 percent to 2 percent are possible. In one Blog pitch for JSS/JBP […]
PROSECUTION BOMBSHELL: Accused Ponzi Schemer Andy Bowdoin Traveled To Costa Rica In 2008 To Explore Option For Offshore ‘Autosurf’ Firm; AdSurfDaily’s Internal Software System Identified Member Payouts As ‘ROI,’ Despite ASD Claim It Was Not Offering Investments

BULLETIN: UPDATED 9:29 P.M. ET (U.S.A.) Prosecutors have advised a federal judge that AdSurfDaily President Andy Bowdoin and unnamed “others” traveled to Costa Rica in the spring of 2008 to get the lay of the land for an offshore autosurf that would be “another version” of ASD. The alleged trip occurred less than two years […]
URGENT >> BULLETIN >> MOVING: Accused Fraudster Andy Bowdoin Enters Defense That Could Provide Legal Cover For Autosurf Ponzi Schemes If He Wins Case; ASD Operator Claims Business Model Stands Up To ‘Howey Test’ Scrutiny

BULLETIN: In an argument that almost certainly will give comfort to operators of some of the most corrupt and insidious businesses on the Internet, AdSurfDaily President Andy Bowdoin has advised a federal judge that his company and business practices are legitimate because they stand up to scrutiny when the “Howey Test” is applied. Bowdoin, 77, made […]