URGENT >> BULLETIN >> MOVING: TelexFree, Gerald Nehra MLM Law Firm, Banks, Processors Sued In Prospective Class Action That Alleges RICO Violations

URGENT >> BULLETIN >> MOVING: (18th update 3:49 P.M. EDT U.S.A.) TelexFree, MLM attorney Gerald Nehra, “Doe” insiders and several banks have been sued in a prospective class-action that alleges fraud and violations of the federal RICO (racketeering) statute. “Certain Defendants share joint and severable liability, including the Doe Inside Promoters, the licensed professionals such […]
SPECIAL REPORT: Like AdSurfDaily And OneX Before It, Alleged TelexFree Pyramid Scheme May Be Engaging In Game Of Payment-Processor Roulette

“While reviewing the ASD website in the District of Columbia, [an undercover agent] found a posting within ASD’s News section, apparently posted by ASD on July 2, 2008. The title of the posting was, “Alert Pay & Direct Deposit are being phased out July 31, 2008.” According to ASD’s posting, “We have notified BOA not […]
UPDATE: Teetering ‘Wealth4AllTeam’ Scheme Reportedly Was Using I-Payout, Same Facilitator Cited By ‘OneX’ Scheme In July

UPDATE: Wealth4AllTeam, one of the many HYIP schemes pushed by Zeek Rewards “I Got Paid” cheerleader “Ken Russo,” reportedly was using I-Payout as a payment facilitator, according to new Ponzi-forum reports. Wealth4AllTeam appears to have suspended operations, leaving the Ponzi forums in an uproar amid claims that it is transitioning to a new business model […]
PICTURE STORY: ‘OneX’ Scheme Says It Is Switching To I-Payout; Conference-Call Announcement Made On Same Day U.S. Senate Panel Grilled HSBC Executives And Said Bank Exposed United States To ‘Money Laundering, Drug And Terrorist Financing Risk’

Back in April, federal prosecutors described the purported OneX “program” as a “fraudulent scheme” and “pyramid” pushed by former AdSurfDaily President Andy Bowdoin, the author of the $110 million ASD Ponzi scheme. Bowdoin, 77, now is jailed in the District of Columbia — in part because of his OneX pitches. He’d initially been free of […]