BULLETIN: FTC Asks Judge For Permission To Amend IWorks/Jeremy Johnson Fraud Complaint To Include Johnson’s Wife And Parents As Relief Defendants

BULLETIN: (UPDATED 6:25 P.M. ET U.S.A.) The FTC has asked a Nevada federal judge for permission to amend the complaint in the 2010 IWorks Inc./Jeremy Johnson civil-fraud case to include Johnson’s wife, parents and five corporate entities as “relief defendants” — the alleged recipients of ill-gotten gains from Johnson’s alleged Internet fraud scheme involving hundreds […]
[NOTE TO READERS]: Stories About Accused Utah Fraudster Jeremy Johnson Now Back Online
On March 23, 2012, the PP Blog temporarily removed from public view three stories pertaining to accused Utah fraudster Jeremy Johnson. The explanation of why the stories were taken offline temporarily is here. On March 23, 2012, the PP Blog’s security software recorded a “mass injection attack” as the Blog visited a domain styled CollotGuerard.com […]
ANNOUNCEMENT/ALERT: While Conducting Research On Major FTC Case That Included Elements Of Alleged Web Harassment, PP Blog’s Browser Was Subjected To ‘Mass Injection’ Attack

ANNOUNCEMENT/ALERT: UPDATED 6:10 P.M. EDT (U.S.A.) The PP Blog is publishing this post in an abundance of caution. Based on a security alert the Blog received this afternoon, it may be best to steer clear of the website circled in the graphic above and described below. On Jan. 4, 2012, the Blog reported that the […]
URGENT >> BULLETIN >> MOVING: FTC Gains Spectacular Judgment Of $359 Million In Alleged Cross-Border Fraud Involving Continuity Billing; Case Features Elements Similar To Allegations Against Jeremy Johnson

URGENT >> BULLETIN >> MOVING: In a case that featured elements similar to the allegations against U.S.-based Internet Marketer Jeremy Johnson, the FTC has gained a $359 million consent judgment against alleged Canadian scammer Jesse Willms and other defendants. The agency sued Willms in May 2011, about six months after it sued Johnson. Wiilms now […]
Receiver In Jeremy Johnson/IWorks Fraud Case Issues Devastating Report; Incredible Number Of Firms Referenced In 79-Page Court Update; ‘Dozens Of Companies Used As Conduits To Re-Route Revenue And To Commingle And Hide Funds,’ Document Claims

EDITOR’S NOTE: Jeremy Johnson and associated companies were accused civilly by the FTC in December 2010 of orchestrating a massive fraud scheme involving hundreds of millions of dollars. At the moment, Johnson, 35, faces a single criminal charge of mail fraud. He denies wrongdoing on both the criminal and civil fronts and has painted himself […]
BULLETIN: Federal Judge Orders Jeremy Johnson And Others Acting On His Behalf To Disable Website That Used Court-Appointed Receiver’s Name And Described Firm As Workplace Of ‘Thieves’ And ‘Crooks’

EDITOR’S NOTE: This story originally was published Jan. 9, 2012, 3:01 p.m. It was updated at 5:01 p.m. on the same date. The PP Blog temporarily “unpublished” the story on March 23, 2012. Explanation of why it was taken offline temporarily is here. On March 23, 2012, the PP Blog’s security software recorded a “mass […]
EDITORIAL: The Creeping Creepiness Of Jeremy Johnson — And The Use Of Google Ads As A Weapon Of Abuse Against Public Officials And Court-Appointed Receivers In Performance Of Their Duties

EDITOR’S NOTE: This story originally was published Jan. 4, 2012, 3:32 p.m. It was updated at 9:59 p.m. on the same date. The PP Blog temporarily “unpublished” the story on March 23, 2012. Explanation of why it was taken offline temporarily is here. On March 23, 2012, the PP Blog’s security software recorded a “mass […]
EDITORIAL: The Deeply Disturbing Attack On The Federal Trade Commission, A Public Official And The Court-Appointed Receiver In The Jeremy Johnson/IWorks Fraud Case

EDITOR’S NOTE: This story originally was published Dec. 22, 2011, 10:41 a.m. It was updated at 8:11 a.m. on Dec. 23, 2011. The PP Blog temporarily “unpublished” the story on March 23, 2012. Explanation of why it was taken offline temporarily is here. On March 23, 2012, the PP Blog’s security software recorded a “mass […]
Federal Judge Orders Sale Of Helicopters, Houseboats, Vintage Cars And Real Estate Linked To Alleged $275 Million Online Scam Operated By Jailed Utah Internet Marketer Jeremy Johnson

A federal judge has ordered the sale of helicopters, airplanes, houseboats, vintage cars and real estate allegedly linked to a massive fraud scheme engineered on the Internet by Utah resident Jeremy Johnson and dozens of corporations, including at least 51 shell companies. Johnson, 35, has been jailed in the United States since his June arrest […]