PP Blog Tag archives on references to "JFSA."

URGENT >> BULLETIN >> MOVING: SEC: Las Vegas-Based Ponzi Scheme Targeted Japanese Investors, Gathered At Least $800 Million, Planned To Have New Marks Prop Up The Massive Swindle — And Started In 1998

URGENT >> BULLETIN >> MOVING: SEC: Las Vegas-Based Ponzi Scheme Targeted Japanese Investors, Gathered At Least $800 Million, Planned To Have New Marks Prop Up The Massive Swindle -- And Started In 1998

URGENT >> BULLETIN >> MOVING: (SECOND UPDATE 4:28 P.M. EDT (U.S.A.) The SEC says Edwin Fujinaga and his company MRI International Inc. were operating a Ponzi scheme from 1998 onward that gathered at least $800 million and targeted Japanese and other investors. After MRI received a letter in March 2013 from the SEC instructing it […]