Jilapuhn Inc.

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UNBELIEVABLE: Now, A Scam Known As ‘Her Majesty’s Credit Union’ That Duped Investors By Falsely Claiming To Be Insured By Lloyd’s Of London And Backed By The Government, SEC Says

UNBELIEVABLE: Now, A Scam Known As 'Her Majesty's Credit Union' That Duped Investors By Falsely Claiming To Be Insured By Lloyd's Of London And Backed By The Government, SEC Says

A scammer known by three names who’d earlier presided over an “insolvent” credit union in Georgia before being forced out of business in eight months went on to start a bogus credit union in the U.S. Virgin Islands, the SEC said. The Virgins Islands enterprise was known as “Her Majesty’s Credit Union” (HMCU) and sold […]