BULLETIN: Attorney Jonathan Star Bristol Now Under Arrest In New York; Lawyer Sued By SEC Earlier Today For Helping Kenneth Ira Starr Steal From Celebrity Clients

BULLETIN: Attorney Jonathan Star Bristol has been arrested by federal agents and is scheduled to make an appearance in Manhattan federal court this afternoon to face criminal charges of money-laundering amid allegations he helped convicted fraudster Kenneth Ira Starr siphon money from clients though an escrow fund. “Today’s indictment should serve as a reminder to […]
BULLETIN: SEC Says Attorney Jonathan Star Bristol Helped Convicted Ponzi Swindler Kenneth Ira Starr Steal Millions Of Dollars From Celebrity Clients

BULLETIN: The SEC has charged attorney Jonathan Star Bristol with aiding and abetting the Ponzi and fraud scheme of convicted swindler Kenneth Ira Starr, the so-called “financial adviser to the stars.” Starr pleaded guilty to securities fraud, wire fraud and money-laundering in September. Among his former clients were former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, […]