Konrad Christian Kafarski

PP Blog Tag archives on references to "Konrad Christian Kafarski."

SEC: Felons, Recidivists Pushed ‘Green’ Energy Securities Swindle Through California ‘Boiler Room’; 6 People Charged In $11 Million Fraud Case

SEC: Felons, Recidivists Pushed 'Green' Energy Securities Swindle Through California 'Boiler Room'; 6 People Charged In $11 Million Fraud Case

About 200 investors turned over $11 million to a boiler-room operation selling investments in a purported “green” energy company, the SEC said. The alleged swindle in which Kensington Resources Inc. sold unregistered shares of American Environmental Energy Inc. (AEEI) was pulled off by a convicted felon with the help of a recidivist securities offender, the SEC […]