Legisi HYIP Pitchman Matthew John Gagnon Pleads Guilty, Admits He Didn’t Disclose ‘Touting’ Compensation Of More Than $1 Million And Caused More Than $7 Million In Losses

Legisi HYIP Ponzi-scheme pitchman Matthew John Gagnon has pleaded guilty in the Eastern District of Michigan to a criminal charge of not disclosing he’d been paid more than $1 million by Legisi and its operator Gregory N. McKnight to tout the “program” online. In a plea agreement now public after being fashioned in October and […]
LETTER TO READERS: Our Choice For The Most Important PP Blog Post Of 2012

Dear Readers, The PP Blog’s choice for the “Most Important” story to appear on the Blog in 2012 is this one, dated July 28: “Site Critical Of Zeek Goes Missing After HubPages Receives Trademark ‘Infringement’ Complaint Attributed To Rex Venture Group LLC — But North Carolina-Based Rex Not Listed As Trademark Owner; Florida Firm That […]
UPDATE: Sentencing For Legisi HYIP Ponzi Swindler Gregory McKnight Rescheduled For Feb. 5

Sentencing for a Michigan man federal prosecutors accused of “semantic obfuscation” for the manner in which his “program” was promoted has been rescheduled for Feb. 5, according to the docket of U.S. District Judge Mark A. Goldsmith of the Eastern District of Michigan. The sentencing delay for Gregory N. McKnight, who conducted the Legisi HYIP […]
UPDATE: As Proposed Money-Saving Measure, Zeek Receiver Asks Judge To Treat Oct. 8 Preliminary Liquidation Plan As Status Report; Meanwhile, Yet Another Zeek Member Declares Herself A Fraud Victim

UPDATED 8:26 A.M. EDT (OCT. 31, U.S.A.) Saying it would save money, the court-appointed receiver in the Zeek Rewards Ponzi scheme case has asked a federal judge to treat the receiver’s Oct. 8 preliminary liquidation plan as a status report. (See Oct. 9 PP Blog story.) Separately, yet another Zeek member has declared herself a […]
BULLETIN: Citing Gregory McKnight’s ‘Semantic Obfuscation,’ Prosecutors Ask Judge To Sentence Convicted Legisi HYIP Swindler To 15 Years — ‘The Top Of The Sentencing Guidelines’; Like Zeek, ‘Program’ Was Pushed On The Ponzi Boards And Instructed Members Not To Use The Word ‘Investment’

BULLETIN: Yesterday’s scheduled sentencing of convicted Legisi HYIP swindler Gregory N. McKnight has been delayed until Nov. 19, but federal prosecutors in the Eastern District of Michigan have asked U.S. District Judge Mark A. Goldsmith to sentence McKnight to 15 years in prison. McKnight and Legisi relied on “semantic obfuscation” in which investors were told […]
DISTURBING: ‘ProfitClicking’ Thread At MoneyMakerGroup Ponzi Forum Used In Zeek-Related Disinformation Campaign That Delivers Traffic To Troy Dooly’s Blog While Creating Brand Confusion And Opportunity To Harvest Leads For Poster Known As ‘freezeekler’

EDITOR’S NOTE: The PP Blog sought comment from Troy Dooly of MLMHelpDesk this morning (Sunday) on the disturbing Zeek- and Ponzi forum-related developments reported in our story below. (Story appears below screen shots.) Dooly has not responded as of the time of this post, but the PP Blog will publish his comment if and when […]
The Bizarre Wordplay Of ‘ProfitClicking’

“25. Individual PC members are not responsible for the performace [sic] of PC or any other programs, products, and services provided by PC. Individual PC members, including those who introduce, sponsor, or refer other members, incur no liabilities or obligations in respect of PC’s financial decisions and directions and any other programs, products, and services […]
JSS Tripler/JustBeenPaid Hides Behind Zeek-Like Wordplay On Eve Of Zeek Collapse

On Aug. 17, the SEC filed spectacular allegations of Ponzi- and pyramid-scheme fraud against Zeek Rewards, which claimed it was not selling securities and members were not making an investment. Zeek operator Paul R. Burks was charged with selling unregistered securities as investment contracts. Zeek abused the power of the Internet and raised $600 million […]
URGENT >> BULLETIN >> MOVING: U.S. Secret Service Confirms Probe Of Zeek Under Way

URGENT >> BULLETIN >> MOVING: Zeek Rewards, the multilevel marketing program married to the penny-auction site Zeekler, is under investigation by the U.S. Secret Service and the Securities and Exchange Commission, the Secret Service confirmed at 4:14 p.m. EDT today. “There will be no further comment,” said Max Milien, a spokesman for the U.S. Secret […]
Zeek, The ‘I’ Word And The Weight Of History . . .

UPDATED 6:36 P.M. EDT (U.S.A.) To hear some folks in HYIP Ponzi Land tell it, “opportunities” can avoid the long arm of the law by preemptively prohibiting affiliates from using certain words — “investment” and “security,” for two examples. Regardless, court records show that hucksters who played linguistic games to mask their fraud schemes confronted […]
Zeek Promoters Send Email To AdSurfDaily Members, Asking Them To Wire Money To Confessed Ponzi Schemer Andy Bowdoin’s Jailhouse Account In The District Of Columbia; Zeekers ‘Owe This Man A Great Deal Of Gratitude And More’ For Opening ‘Path To Success,’ Email Claims

UPDATED 8:42 A.M. EDT (JULY 14, U.S.A.) It’s beginning to look as though the Zeek Rewards’ MLM “program” has within it a large downline consisting of members of the AdSurfDaily Ponzi scheme. And in what may go down as one of the most spectacular PR blunders in the history of multilevel marketing, some former ASD […]