SOBERING: Cyber Criminals May Be Responsible For ‘The Greatest Transfer Of Wealth In History,’ Top Justice Department Official Says At Seattle Conference

“The Intelligence Community’s most recent Worldwide Threat Assessment confirms that U.S. networks have already been subject to ‘extensive illicit intrusions.’ The head of the National Security Agency and the Pentagon’s Cyber Command, for one, believes such intrusions may have resulted in ‘the greatest transfer of wealth in history.’” — Lisa Monaco, Assistant Attorney General for […]
URGENT >> BULLETIN >> MOVING: Osama Bin Laden Is Dead; ‘Targeted’ U.S. Operation Carried Out In Pakistan; State Department Urges Travel Caution

Osama bin Laden has been killed in a “targeted operation” by the United States and his body has been recovered. President Obama appeared on U.S. television late Sunday night, saying he approved a U.S. operation in Pakistan and that bin Laden was killed yesterday. No Americans were harmed, the president said. Bin Laden was found […]