Lisa Monaco

PP Blog Tag archives on references to "Lisa Monaco."

‘Growing Sophistication And Frequency Of Cyberattacks Is A Cause For Concern,’ U.S. Comptroller Of Currency Says

'Growing Sophistication And Frequency Of Cyberattacks Is A Cause For Concern,' U.S. Comptroller Of Currency Says

“The denial of service attacks that began in 2012 and continue today drew the attention of our largest financial institutions. While they have been only minimally disruptive so far, we know that these types of attacks are just one of the many cyber threats that our financial system faces. The growing sophistication and frequency of […]

SOBERING: Cyber Criminals May Be Responsible For ‘The Greatest Transfer Of Wealth In History,’ Top Justice Department Official Says At Seattle Conference

SOBERING: Cyber Criminals May Be Responsible For 'The Greatest Transfer Of Wealth In History,' Top Justice Department Official Says At Seattle Conference

“The Intelligence Community’s most recent Worldwide Threat Assessment confirms that U.S. networks have already been subject to ‘extensive illicit intrusions.’ The head of the National Security Agency and the Pentagon’s Cyber Command, for one, believes such intrusions may have resulted in ‘the greatest transfer of wealth in history.’” — Lisa Monaco, Assistant Attorney General for […]

BULLETIN: Suspect Whose Aim Was To Carry Out Suicide Bombing At U.S. Capitol Building In Washington Arrested; Man Also Proposed Attacks On U.S. Military Offices, Army Generals, Restaurant And Synagogue, FBI Says

BULLETIN: Suspect Whose Aim Was To Carry Out Suicide Bombing At U.S. Capitol Building In Washington Arrested; Man Also Proposed Attacks On U.S. Military Offices, Army Generals, Restaurant And Synagogue, FBI Says

BULLETIN: The FBI and federal prosecutors in Virginia have confirmed the arrest of Amine El Khalifi, describing him as a Moroccan national living in the United States illegally and saying he planned a suicide bombing with a vest strapped to his body today at the U.S. Capitol building in Washington. El Khalifi, 29, resided in […]