RECEIVER: ‘Insiders And Related Parties’ Of Commodities Online Took Out Twice What They Put In; Shuttered Florida Firm Had Office With ‘Boiler Room’; Winners Received ‘Fraudulent Transfers’

The court-appointed receiver unraveling the affairs of a Florida firm accused by the SEC of operating a $27 million commodities fraud and selling unregistered securities says the company had “insiders and related parties” who took out twice what they put in. Clawback actions are anticipated against unspecified “targets” because the money they received constituted “fraudulent […]
SPECIAL REPORT: SEC Sues Commodities Online LLC, Alleging Massive Fraud; Firm That Listed Surf’s Up Mod Terralynn Hoy As ‘Director’ Says It Plowed $39 Million Into Alleged Ponzi Scheme Operated By James Clark Howard III And Others

UPDATED 2:25 P.M. EDT (U.S.A.) In a complex case unfolding in Florida, the SEC has filed fraud charges against two companies that allegedly sold unregistered securities and conducted a $27.5 million “investment scheme” involving “purported commodities contracts.” A receiver has been appointed to marshal the assets of the murky businesses, which are known as Commodities […]