SEC Charges Man Described As ‘Recidivist’ And ‘Felon’ In Alleged Philadelphia Ponzi And Fraud Scheme; Separately, CBS-3 Reports Feds Raid Offices Of Robert Stinson Jr., Life’s Good Inc.
UPDATED 9:06 P.M. EDT (U.S.A.) A man who filed for bankruptcy twice, has an unpaid federal judgment for running a fraud scheme in the 1990s and managed to rack up convictions for crimes such as grand larceny, wire fraud, mail fraud and bank fraud during his purported business career has been charged by the SEC […]
BULLETIN: Trevor Cook Charged Criminally With Mail Fraud And Tax Evasion In Alleged $190 Million Ponzi Case In Minnesota
BULLETIN: Trevor Cook, the reputed head of a $190 million Ponzi scheme in Minnesota, has been charged criminally with mail fraud and income-tax evasion. Cook, 37, previously had been charged civilly by the SEC and the CFTC. The criminal charges filed today came after a probe by the FBI and the IRS Criminal Investigations Unit, […]
Yet Another Senior Citizen Guilty In Ponzi Scheme That Targeted Fellow Seniors; Crime Was ‘Ruthlessly’ Executed, NJ Attorney General Anne Milgram Says
A New Jersey financial adviser who created a sham company and operated it for 17 years has pleaded guilty to five felony counts of mail fraud, federal prosecutors said. Separately, state prosecutors announced a guilty plea to a felony charge of money-laundering. Maxwell B. Smith, 69, of Fairhaven, operated a Ponzi scheme that consumed more […]
BLACK COMEDY EMERGES: Petition To Disbar Ponzi Figure Rothstein Arrives At Florida Supreme Court; Lawyer’s Victims Portrayed Unsympathetically In Some Media Accounts; Reporters Dredge Up Old SLAPP Lawsuit
UPDATED 9 P.M. ET (U.S.A.) The alleged Ponzi scheme operated by Fort Lauderdale attorney Scott Rothstein is the stuff from which lawyer jokes are made. It is enough to make the Atticus Finch wing of the trade long for the days in which being a lawyer meant you were special — and being special meant […]
BERNIE’S ‘STING’: Frank DiPascali Jr. Pleads Guilty In Madoff Case; Officials Say He Developed Phony Computer Platform That Appeared To Reflect Real Trading
In the movie “The Sting,” accomplice J.J. Singleton read from a surplus tickertape wire into a microphone to create the impression that horse races that already were over were being run live on the radio. J.J.’s bogus radio calls from the back room helped Henry Gondorff and Johnny Hooker fleece Doyle Lonnegan of $500,000 in […]