INetGlobal Employees Ask Judge For Order That Blocks Secret Service From Interviewing Them; Claim Government Has ‘Superiority’ Mentality

The litigation against INetGlobal amid Ponzi scheme allegations is turning into a legal slugfest in multiple venues. On one side, federal prosecutors are seeking to disqualify INetGlobal attorney Mark Kallenbach, claiming that he is attempting to be both a lawyer and a witness in the same case. Now, employees of INetGlobal are seeking a protective […]
INetGlobal Disputes Government Assertion That Attorney Should Be Disqualified From Case; Says Lawyer Not ‘Necessary Witness’

Attorney Mark Kallenbach should remain as counsel for INetGlobal because he is not a “necessary witness” as the prosecution claimed last week, an attorney for INetGlobal owner Steve Renner said today. Prosecutors moved last week to have Kallenbach disqualified, arguing that he was attempting to be both a lawyer and a witness in the Ponzi […]
Prosecutors Ask Judge For Order To Disqualify INetGlobal Attorney, Saying They May Wish To Cross-Examine Him As Witness In Ponzi Case

UPDATED 11:31 A.M. EDT (U.S.A.) Federal prosecutors have filed a motion to disqualify attorney Mark Kallenbach as counsel for INetGlobal and related companies, claiming that Kallenbach is attempting to be both a witness in the case and a lawyer for multiple clients involved in a Ponzi scheme, wire fraud and money-laundering probe. Kallenbach, prosecutors said, […]