Virginia Man Asks For The Return Of More Than $57,000 Wired To Profitable Sunrise In Series Of Transactions

UPDATED 8:52 P.M. EDT (U.S.A.) A Virginia man has asked for the return of $57,300 wired to Profitable Sunrise in a series of transfers from Bank of America between Jan. 17 and Feb 28. It was unclear from the filing whether the man was a simple investor in Profitable Sunrise, an individual who also was […]
BULLETIN: NOT JUST EUROPE: Court Filings In Profitable Sunrise Fraud Case Say Some Of The Money Went To Entities In Australia And Panama

UPDATED 9:11 P.M. EDT (APRIL 17, U.S.A.) Some Profitable Sunrise investors wired money to entities in Australia and Panama, according to new filings in the SEC’s pyramid-scheme and fraud case. The new filings, dated today, identify those entities as Technocash Limited of Sydney and Trackford Business Corp. of Panama City. Earlier filings named four other […]
URGENT >> BULLETIN >> MOVING: SEC Files Complaint Against Profitable Sunrise; Purported ‘Opportunity’ Called An International ‘Pyramid Scheme’

URGENT >> BULLETIN >> MOVING: (17th update 4:02 p.m.) The SEC has filed a complaint against the ProfitableSunrise HYIP “program” in federal court in Atlanta. The story first was reported by CourthouseNewsService this morning. At the same time, the PP Blog has learned that the agency applied for an emergency asset freeze, explaining that Profitable […]
URGENT >> BULLETIN >> MOVING: North Carolina Orders ‘Profitable Sunrise’ To Cease And Desist; State Calls It An ‘Immediate And Significant Danger’

URGENT >> BULLETIN >> MOVING: The state of North Carolina — home base to the alleged $600 million Zeek Rewards Ponzi scheme — has ordered a purported offshore “opportunity” known as “Profitable Sunrise” to cease and desist from doing business in the state. Profitable Sunrise purports to be a hard-money lender and investment opportunity. It […]